Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS) plugin of Hexo
COS is one of the best static blog hosting platforms, you can enable CDN and configure Https.
hexo-deployer-cos allows you to publish your Hexo blog directly using commands hexo d
$ npm install hexo-deployer-cos --save
You can configure in _config.yml as follows:
type: cos
secretId: yourSecretId
secretKey: yourSecretKey
bucket: yourBucket
region: yourRegion
For projects that use pipelines, you may not want to expose COS properties in the project file, so we support getting them through environment variables.
Environment variables have lower priority than _config.xml configuration
You can get this information from your Tencent Cloud Console.
Go to the COS Object Storage Console Create a bucket and get the Bucket (Bucket Name) and Region (Region Name). Go to Key Management Console Get your project SecretId and SecretKey.
- Support for obtaining COS parameters from environment variables
You can commit your opinions and suggestions to Issues, or send mail to [email protected].