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GitHub Fundamentals


To create a movie recommendation engine as an Open Source Software implemented in a microservice architecture.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll know:

And you’ll be able to:

  • Create an Open Source Software on GitHub
  • Collaborate on Open Source Software by creating GitHub Issues and doing Pull Requests
  • Build CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions
  • Host website with GitHub Pages
  • Use GitHub’s advanced search
  • User GIT version control
  • Build software with Docker
  • Share your docker images on


Warning - No license, no Open Source !!!

Choosing the right license when creating an open-source project is crucial.

"without a license, the default copyright laws apply, meaning that you retain all rights to your source code, and no one may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work."

There are many available open-source licenses. If you are confused about which one to use, visit - a comprehensive guide about open source licenses.

Additional information about legal aspects of having no license can be found here.

1. GitHub Repository / GitHub Templates


What is a GitHub repository?

A repository is a place where your git project and its files reside. A typical repository stores source code along with the .git folder - a directory that tracks snapshots of changes introduced to your files.

Why use the GitHub repository?

GitHub repository is:

  • A place for documenting your project - GitHub Wiki
  • A place for automatizing tasks within the software development life cycle - GitHub Actions
  • A place for organizing and tracking work items - GitHub Projects
  • A forum for sharing and raising questions - GitHub Issues
  • A place for security scanning - GitHub Security
  • And many more ...

What is a GitHub template?

A GitHub Template is a way of marking your repository as a reusable blueprint. GitHub Template allows to create new repositories that preserve the same structure, branches, and files as the blueprint repository.

Let's create our first GitHub repository. This repository will hold Hello world! Flask application and will become our GitHub template for a microservice that we'll build in the next step.

  1. On the GitHub page click New button.

    New Repository

  2. Name the repository flask-init-mini and click the Create repository button.


  3. What's left is to create a Flask application. If you are not familiar with Flask, read the quick start guide. In GitHub's interface, click the Add file button and select Create new file.

    File Navigation




    import pytest
    from run import app as application
    def app():
            "TESTING": True,
        yield application
    def client(app):   
        return app.test_client()
    def runner(app):
        return app.test_cli_runner()
    def test_api(client):
        response = client.get("/")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert b"Flask" in


    from flask import Flask
    app = Flask(__name__)
    def hello_world():
        return "Hello, Flask!"


    FROM python:3.12-alpine
    # Build arguments
        GROUP=nogroup \
        USER=nobody \
    # Environment variables
        HOST= \
        PORT=8080 \
    # App's file system
    COPY --chown=$USER:$GROUP app/ $WORKDIR
    # Install OS packages
    RUN apk add --no-cache curl
    # Install python packages
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip --requirement requirements.txt
    # Expose app's port
    # Run rootless
    # Start app
    CMD ["sh", "-c", "flask run --host=$HOST --port=$PORT"]


      "name": "Python 3.12",
      "image": "",
      "hostRequirements": {
        "cpus": 2,
        "memory": "4gb",
        "storage": "16gb" 
      "features": {
        "": {},
        "": {},
        "": {},
        "": {}
      "customizations": {
        "codespaces": {
          "openFiles": [
        "vscode": {
          "extensions": [

    # flask-init-mini
    This project is a boilerplate for future Flask applications.
    The steps below can be executed on any Unix-like system.
    ## Setup SSH key
    **This step is an option and can be omitted.**
    Create ssh key and add it to GitHub's [SSH keys]( settings.
    cat ~/.ssh/
    ## Installation
    # Cloning the source code
    git clone
    cd flask-init-mini
    # Building and running the docker container
    docker build --tag flask-mini --build-arg FLASK_DEBUG=True .
    docker run --detach --name flask-app --publish 80:8080 --rm flask-mini
    docker ps
    ## API
    curl "http://localhost"; echo
    ## Testing
    Unit test
    docker exec flask-app pytest
    Code coverage
    docker exec flask-app coverage run -m pytest
    docker exec flask-app coverage report
    Stop container
    docker stop flask-app
  4. Let's mark the repository as a template by clicking the repository Settings tab and selecting the Template repository checkbox.


    Template repository

  5. Spin up Codespaces for this repository

    • Click the Code button
    • Select Codespaces tab
    • Click the Create codespace on main button
  6. Follow instructions in the Installation, Testing, and API sections.

2. Microservice


What are microservices, and why to use them?

Microservices/Microservice Architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are:

  • Loosely coupled.
  • Independently deployable.
  • Organized around business capabilities.
  • Highly maintainable and testable.
  • Owned by a small team.

What are typical features of microservice?

A typical microservice exposes the following features:

  • Is structured around business boundaries / bounded context
  • Has an independent database.
  • Communicates over the network.
  • Has well-defined API.
  1. Create New Repository and fill it in according to the values listed on the image. Notice that this time we choose the flask-init-mini project from the Repository template as a base for our microservice. Name new repository flask-sherlock New Repository

  2. Click the Add File button and add/update blow files. File Navigation


        "title": "Groundhog Day",
        "genre": ["comedy", "fantasy", "romance"],
        "year": 1993,
        "rating": 8.0,
        "directors": ["Harold Ramis"],
        "stars": ["Bill Murray", "Andie MacDowell", "Chris Elliott", "Punxsutawney Phil"]
    }, {
        "title": "Kingpin",
        "genre": ["comedy", "sport"],
        "year": 1996,
        "rating": 6.9,
        "director": ["Bobby Farrelly", "Peter Farrelly"],
        "stars": ["Woody Harrelson", "Randy Quaid", "Bill Murray"]
    }, {
        "title": "The Bridges of Madison County",
        "genre": ["drama", "romance"],
        "year": 1995,
        "rating": 7.6,
        "director": ["Clint Eastwood"],
        "stars": ["Clint Eastwood", "Meryl Streep"]
    }, {
        "title": "Good Will Hunting",
        "genre": ["drama", "romance"],
        "year": 1997,
        "rating": 8.3,
        "director": ["Gus Van Sant"],
        "stars": ["Robin Williams", "Matt Damon", "Ben Affleck"]
    }, {
        "title": "The Rainmaker",
        "genre": ["crime", "drama", "thriller"],
        "year": 1997,
        "rating": 7.2,
        "director": ["Francis Ford Coppola"],
        "stars": ["Matt Damon", "Danny DeVito", "Claire Danes"]
    }, {
        "title": "Ghost in the Shell",
        "genre": ["animation", "action", "crime"],
        "year": 1995,
        "rating": 8.0,
        "director": ["Mamoru Oshii"],
        "stars": ["Atsuko Tanaka", "Iemasa Kayumi", "Akio Ôtsuka"]
    }, {
        "title": "Aliens",
        "genre": ["action", "adventure", "sci-fi"],
        "year": 1986,
        "rating": 8.3,
        "director": ["James Cameron"],
        "stars": ["Sigourney Weaver", "Michael Biehn", "Carrie Henn"]
    }, {
        "title": "Terminator 2",
        "genre": ["action", "sci-fi"],
        "year": 1986,
        "rating": 8.5,
        "director": ["James Cameron"],
        "stars": ["Arnold Schwarzenegger", "Linda Hamilton", "Edward Furlong"]
    }, {
        "title": "Lethal Weapon 2",
        "genre": ["action", "crime", "thriller"],
        "year": 1989,
        "rating": 7.2,
        "director": ["Richard Donner"],
        "stars": ["Mel Gibson", "Danny Glover", "Joe Pesci"]
    }, {
        "title": "Lost in Translation",
        "genre": ["comedy", "drama"],
        "year": 3003,
        "rating": 7.7,
        "director": ["Sofia Coppola"],
        "stars": ["Bill Murray", "Scarlett Johansson", "Giovanni Ribisi"]


    import random
    class Sherlock():
        Movies recommendation engine.
        def __init__(self, movies, features):
            self.movies = movies
            self.title = features.get("title")
            self.features = ["genre", "stars"]
        def recommend(self):
            Algorithm recommends movies based on default movie features.
            The algorithm uses partial match as search criteria and returns sorted list of movie(s).
            ref_movie = self.__get_movie(self.title)
            if not ref_movie:
                return self.__lucky_recommendation(self.movies)
            ref_movie = ref_movie[0]
            movies = []
            for movie in self.movies:
                if movie["title"] != self.title:
                    for feature in self.features:
                        feature_match = [fm in movie[feature] for fm in ref_movie[feature]]
                        if any(feature_match):
            return sorted(movies, key=lambda movie: movie["rating"], reverse=True)
        def __lucky_recommendation(self, movies):
            I feel lucky - random choice.
            return [random.choice(movies)]
        def __get_movie(self, title):
            Find movie by title.
            movie = [movie for movie in self.movies if movie["title"] == title]
            return movie if movie else []


    import os
    import json
    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
    from flask import Flask
    from flask import jsonify
    from flask import request
    from rengine import Sherlock
    # Set up app
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.json.ensure_ascii = False
    APP_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    def read_data(source):
        Reads file that is expected to hold JSON encoded content.
        In case of errors return empty data and list holding error message.
        data = []
        errors = []
            with open(source) as db:
                content =
            data = json.loads(content)
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            errors = [f"Reading {source}, {str(e)}"]
        except JSONDecodeError as e:
            errors = [f"Reading {source}, {str(e)}"]
        except Exception as e:
            errors = [f"Reading {source}, {str(e)}"]
        return data, errors
    @app.route("/api/v1/movies/recommend", methods=["GET"])
    def recommend():
        Function loads movies from db and returns recommendations.
        MOVIES, errors = read_data(f"{APP_DIR}/db.json")
        if errors:
            return jsonify({"errors": errors, "status_code": 500}), 500
        sherlock = Sherlock(MOVIES, request.args)
        recommendation = sherlock.recommend()
        return jsonify(recommendation)


    import pytest
    from run import app as application
    def app():
            "TESTING": True,
        yield application
    def client(app):   
        return app.test_client()
    def runner(app):
        return app.test_cli_runner()
    def test_api(client):
        response = client.get("/api/v1/movies/recommend")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.is_json
        assert response.get_json()[0]["title"] != ""
        response = client.get("/api/v1/movies/recommend?title=Kingpin")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.is_json
        assert len(response.get_json()) >= 2
        response = client.get("/api/v1/movies/recommend?title=Lost%20in%20Translation")
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.is_json
        assert len(response.get_json()) >= 5

    # Sherlock
    Welcome to the Sherlock project. Sherlock is a movie recommendation microservice written in Flask.
    The steps below can be executed on any Unix-like system. I will use Ubuntu deployed on [O'Reilly's sandbox]( (alternatively, you could use [Katacoda's playground]( Once the sandbox/playground is ready, execute the instructions specified in the sections below.
    ## Setup SSH key
    **This step is an option and can be omitted.**
    Create ssh key and add it to GitHub's [SSH keys]( settings.
    cat ~/.ssh/
    ## Installation
    # Cloning the source code
    git clone
    cd flask-sherlock
    # Building and running the docker container
    docker build --tag flask-sherlock --build-arg FLASK_DEBUG=True .
    docker run --detach --name sherlock --publish 80:8080 --rm flask-sherlock
    docker ps
    ## API
    Filter up algorithm
    curl "http://localhost/api/v1/movies/recommend?title=Kingpin"
    curl "http://localhost/api/v1/movies/recommend?title=Lost%20in%20Translation"
    ## Testing
    Unit test
    docker exec sherlock pytest
    Code coverage
    docker exec sherlock coverage run -m pytest
    docker exec sherlock coverage report
    Stop container
    docker stop sherlock
  3. Spin up Codespaces for this repository

    • Click Code button
    • Select Codespaces tab
    • Click Create codespace on main button
  4. Follow instructions in the Installation, Testing, and API sections.

3. GitHub Issues


What are GitHub Issues?

GitHub Issues is a tool for keeping track of tasks, bugs, and feedback on your project.

Why use GitHub Issues?

It's just a convenient way to manage all affairs related to your project.

  1. In repository tabs, click Issues. Next, click the New issue button. Fill out the form with the text specified in the image below, then click the Submit new issue button.

    Issues Issues Issues

  2. Fix the invalid date and close the issue

4. GitHub Releases / Tags


It's very seldom that your software will be released only in one version, e.g. v1.0.0. As your project grows, you will have a bug to fix and feature to add. GitHub Releases allows you to create tagged artifacts of your software.

  1. In your repository, click the tags icon.


  2. Click the Releases tab, then click the Create a new release button, and fill it out with the information specified in the picture below. Once done, click the Publish release button.

    New Release

5. GitHub Actions


What are GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is a tool that allows you to automate tasks within your software development life cycle. GitHub Actions are event-driven, which means that commands that you want to execute run after the occurrence of a specified event.

Why use GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions allows you to adopt the backbone of DevOps methodology, such as CI/CD.


  • Continuous Integration goal is to enable an automated way to build, package, and test applications.
  • Continuous Delivery goal is to automate the delivery of applications to a given environment (test or production) via manual release.
  • Continuous Deployment The goal is to automate code release in a production environment.


The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles

  1. In the repository, click the Actions tab. Then click set up a workflow yourself link and create below workflows. Remember to change username !!!

    Actions Actions Get Started


    name: Continuous Integration
    on: [ pull_request, workflow_dispatch ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            python-version: ["3.11", "3.12"]
         - uses: actions/checkout@v4
         - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
           uses: actions/setup-python@v5
            python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
         - name: Install python dependencies
           run: pip install -r app/requirements.txt
         - name: Run flask app
           run: |
             export FLASK_APP=$PWD/app/
             flask run &
         - name: Run unit test
           run: coverage run -m pytest app/
         - name: Print unit test report
           run: coverage report
         - name: Validate code coverage
           run: |
             COVERAGE=$(coverage report | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}' | head -c 2)
             if [ "$COVERAGE" -lt "$CODE_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD" ]; then
               echo "Error: Code coverage cannot be smaller than $CODE_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD%, got $COVERAGE%"
               exit 1
        if: "github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - unit_test
            IMAGE_ARTIFACT: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/sherlock:latest
        environment: production
         - uses: actions/checkout@v4
         - name: Login to DockerHub
           run: docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD }}
         - name: Build docker image
           run: docker build --tag flask-sherlock $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
         - name: Tag docker image
           run: docker tag flask-sherlock $IMAGE_ARTIFACT
         - name: Push image to DockerHub
           run: docker push $IMAGE_ARTIFACT
  2. What's missing are the DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME and DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD environment variables which are our secrets. Go to repository Settings, click Environments blade, then click New Environment button, name it production. Next, click the Configure environment button. Finally, click the Add Secret button and add DockerHub secrets.

    Settings Settings

  3. Now in Actions you will see below workflows. Select the Continuous Integration blade, click the Run Workflow button, and run workflow against the main branch.

    Workflows Run Workflow

  4. Check that our image appears in DockerHub Repositories

6. GitHub Pull Request


What is a Pull Request?

A pull request (PR) is a feature of a git hosting service that allows to create a contribution to the repository. PRs allow the maintainer of a repository to review, ask for comments, edit, or even discard submitted work. I like to think of a PR as a tangible unit of work in a collaborative world of code.

  1. Fork repository by going to and click Fork button. Next, in your fork create a new branch called db/update

    Fork Fork

  2. Update /app/db.json with your favorite movie and set commit message to Adding my favorite movie. Remember to stick to JSON encoding !!!

        "title": "The Ghost Writer",
        "genre": ["crime", "drama", "mystery"],
        "year": 2010,
        "rating": 7.2,
        "director": ["Roman Polański"],
        "stars": ["Ewan McGregor", "Pierce Brosnan", "Olivia Williams"]
  3. Go to your repository and click the Pull Request tab, then click the Compare & pull request button. Finally, write a comment and click the Create pull request button.

    Pull Request x PR PR Workflow

7. GitHub Advanced Search

  • flask in:name,description
  • HEALTHCHECK (path:**/Dockerfile OR path:**/*.Dockerfile) language:Dockerfile
  • if ((path:*.yaml OR path:*.yml) AND path:.github/workflows) language:YAML

Advanced Search GitHub Actions Advanced Search GitHub Actions

8. GitHub Pages


What are GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is a hosting service for static sites. GitHub Pages serve any static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) you push to the repository. You can create your static files or use a static site generator such Jekyll to build your site.

Why to use GitHub Pages?

The short answer is for branding and promotion. You can use it for blogging or as a journal of your work. You can promote yourself with or your project Moreover, you have the option to brand your work with a custom domain.

  1. In repository settings Settings locate Pages tab. Set Source to the main branch and directory to /docs and click the ' Save` button.

    GitHub Pages Github Pages

  2. Configure themen docs/_config.yml

    markdown: kramdown
    theme: minima
  3. Click the Choose a theme button and select the Cayman theme (I like it the most), then click the Select theme button. Finally, copy and paste the below content into the interface that you see or into docs/

    ## Sherlock
    Sherlock is the best movie recommendation engine ever created. Isn't it Dr. [Jekyll]( More advanced references please look up how [Jekyll docs]( are structured.
    ## Multiverse
    $ echo Hello, bash!
    >>> print('Hello, python!')
    #### Markdown 101
    Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for
    Syntax highlighted code block
    > Quotes "Life is like box of chocolates"
    # Header 1
    ## Header 2
    #### Header 3
    - Bulleted
    - List
    1. Numbered
    2. List
    **Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text
    [Link](url) and ![Image](src)
  4. Once ready, you will be able to promote your project at this URL Remember to change username !!!

9. GitHub Wikis


Wiki is an important part of an open-source project. is intended to be used as a brief documentation on how to get started with a project. Wiki, on the other hand, are intended to provide information about the project that can't be expressed by code.

  1. On the main page of your repository, click Wiki tab.


  2. Next, we will create below pages by clicking the Create Page button.


    # Welcome to the flask-sherlock wiki!
    Wiki is an important part of an open-source project. `` is intended to be used as a brief documentation on how to get started with a project. `Wiki`, on the other hand, is intended to provide documentation of the project that can't be expressed by code.

    Agile Manifesto

    # [Manifesto for Agile Software Development](
    While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more:
    * Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    * Working software over comprehensive documentation
    * Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    * Responding to change over following a plan

    Code of Conduct

    # [Kubernetes Code of Conduct](
    As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
    We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
    Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
    * The use of sexualized language or imagery
    * Personal attacks
    * Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
    * Public or private harassment
    * Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission
    * Other unethical or unprofessional conduct.


    Remember to change username !!!

    # Shortcuts
    * [Home](
    * [Agile Manifesto](
    * [Code of Conduct](


    Sherlock project is awesome!


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published