Current Capabilities:
- Concurrent GUI and video stream
- Fist gesture recognition to initiate picture countdown on GUI
- Taking a picture -> hosting it on Imgur -> deleting from local storage -> deleting from Imgur after given time period
- Send media or image link to phone number via SMS
- Optimize gesture recognition
- Improve and add more info/visuals on GUI
- Improve the mirror display/frame
Possible Tasks:
- Recognition of more/different gestures
- SMS for multiple phone numbers instead of a single one
- Install required dependencies by installing pip then doing pip install -r requirements.txt --user
- To update package list, pip install your package then pip freeze > requirements.txt or manually adding to the requirements.txt file (recommended)
- To rotate the raspberry pi screen, do 1) sudo nano /boot/config.txt OR sudo vim /boot/config.txt OR just open up that file, 2) add display_rotate=1 to the last line of that file, and 3) sudo reboot
- To display raspberry pi temperature, run watch /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp