The hmpdf code computes one- and two-point PDFs, the covariance matrix of the one-point PDF, and the angular power spectrum/correlation function of cosmological fields.
The formalism is based on the halo model, thus, only fields that are mainly sourced by virialized matter make sense.
Currently, two fields are supported:
- thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (Compton-y)
- weak lensing convergence
The code is interfaced both through C header files as well as through a convenient python wrapper.
Using the python wrapper, a calculation of the weak lensing convergence one-point PDF for sources at redshift 1 in a cosmology given by a CLASS input file named "example.ini" would go like this:
from hmpdf import HMPDF
binedges = np.linspace(0.0, 0.3)
with HMPDF() as d :
d.init('example.ini', 'kappa', 1.0)
op = d.get_op(binedges)
# do something with the one-point PDF ...
Applications of the code can be found in
- Thiele, Hill, Smith 2019 (for the tSZ field)
- Thiele, Hill, Smith 2020 (for the weak lensing convergence field)
which we also request you cite if you use the code.
For further information on building the code and using it, please read the Documentation.