The following was a class exercise in an urban policy course to estimate impact of neighborhood characteristics on home prices.
Home price data was collected from Zillow and entered into a Google form:
The data is read into R and combined with census data and crime data to perform analysis on factors that impact home prices.
You will need the following packages, if not already installed:
install.packages( "RCurl" )
install.packages( "ggmap" )
install.packages( "jsonlite" )
install.packages( "memisc" )
Download this file directory to your local computer.
Open R and set your working directory to the directory from step 1.
Run any step by sourcing it.
source( "Step 05.02 - Regressions.R" )
Note that files are chained together, so if you run Step 05, it will automatically run Step 04 to Step 01 recursively.