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Pegasos Algorithm for One-Class Support Vector Machine

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Pegasos algorithm for one-class SVM (one_class_svm_tool)


"Pegasos algorithm for one-class SVM" is a training algorithm for one-class support vector machinie (one-class SVM). This algorithm is much faster than the standard one-class SVM without loss of performance in the case of linear kernel.


  • Changki Lee. Pegasos Algorithm for One-Class Support Vector Machine. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.5, May 2013, pp.1223-1226.
  • Changki Lee. 1-Slack One-Class SVM for Fast Learning. Journal of KIISE, ISSN:1229-7712, VOL.19, NO.5, May 2013, pp.253-257.

Data format

This is the training/testing file format of one_class_svm_tool.

binary feature

[label] [string_feature1] [string_feature2] ...
[label] [string_feature1] [string_feature2] ...

label is the class of your one-class SVM (1 or -1). string_feature_n is a feature string that have 1 as a feature value.

general feature

[label] [string_feature1:value] [string_feature2:value] ...
[label] [string_feature1:value] [string_feature2:value] ...


A command line utility to train/test one-class SVM.

Usage: one_class_svm_tool [OPTIONS]... [FILES]...

-h, --help             Print help and exit
-V, --version          Print version and exit

Training options:

-c, --cost=FLOAT       set Cost of one class SVM (cost=1/lambda for SGD) (default=`1')                    
-m, --model=STRING     set model file name
    --skip_eval        skip test set evaluation in the middle of training (default=off)
-r, --random=INT       use random_shuffle in train_data (disabled if use 0) (default=`0')
    --train_num=INT    set number of sentence in train_data for training (for experiments) (disabled if use 0)  (default=`0')
-i, --iter=INT         iterations for training algorithm (sgd) (default=`100')
-t, --tol=FLOAT        set Tolerance  (default=`1e-03')
    --period=INT       save model periodically (sgd)  (default=`0')
-v, --verbose          verbose mode  (default=off)

Predict options:

-o, --output=STRING    prediction output filename

one class SVM options:

-e, --epsilon=FLOAT    set epsilon  (default=`0.001')
    --buf=INT          number of new constraints to accumulated before recomputing the QP (sgd)  (default=`10')
    --rm_inactive=INT  inactive constraints are removed (iteration) (one_slack_smo)  (default=`50')

Kernel options:

--kernel=INT           kernel type (0=Linear 1=POLY 2=RBF 3=SIGMOID in SVMs) (default=`0')
--gamma=FLOAT          gamma in RBF kernel (in SVMs)  (default=`1e-5')
--coef=FLOAT           coef in POLY/SIGMOID kernel (in SVMs)  (default=`1')
--degree=INT           degree in POLY kernel (in SVMs)  (default=`3')

Group: MODE

-p, --predict          prediction mode, default is training mode
    --show             show-feature mode
    --remove_zero      remove zero-value features (with --tol threshold)

Group: Parameter Estimate Method

--one_slack            use 1-slack one class SVM without Gram matrix (linear kernel only)
--one_slack2           use 1-slack one class SVM using Gram matrix (linear kernel only)
--sgd                  use SGD (Pegasos) in primal optimization (random shuffled train_data)
--sgd2                 use SGD (Pegasos) in primal optimization (pick random examples)

Example of options:

$ one_class_svm_tool --sgd -c 1000 -m model.txt train.feature.txt test.feature.txt
$ one_class_svm_tool -p -m model.txt -o output.txt test.feature.txt


Pegasos Algorithm for One-Class Support Vector Machine







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