Infinite swipable paged view with on-demand page loading for iOS 14 and higher.
LazyZCarousel is an ideal component for displaying large sets of data in a paginated form. This component allows for smooth swiping through content until the end is reached, providing a seamless user experience. It ensures high performance by only storing the page layout closure and the data for the current page, unlike some platform's Lazy containers. Additionally, LazyZCarousel offers a paging API compatible with iOS 14 and higher, unlike the ScrollView paging API which is available only from iOS 17.
LazyZCarousel is built using a ZStack with offsets for the current, next, and previous pages. You can provide an initial piece of data and a page layout using a ViewBuilder closure. The component handles situations with nullable data by displaying placeholders for the next and previous pages if they exist. When the current page is displayed, LazyZCarousel checks for the existence of the next and previous pages. If they exist, placeholders are shown with animations. After a swipe to another page is completed, the current page data is updated and checks for the next/previous pages are performed again.
You can adjust the width ratio occupied by the page content within the range [0.1, 1]. The default value is 0.7, meaning that the page content will occupy 70% of the available width.
The infinite nature of LazyZCarousel is based on manipulating offsets with or without animations. Therefore, the identity of the page’s View should be loose when data changes. This means that the page layout and the placeholder layout (when data is nil) are supposed to look similar to maintain a consistent appearance.
installation: in Xcode tap «File → Add packages…», paste is search field the URL of this page and press «Add package».
Annotate SwiftUI
file with «import LazyZCarousel». Then pass to LazyZCarousel a piece of data to present and a page layout closure:
struct ExampleView: View {
@State var currentPageData: MyData
var body: some View {
LazyZCarousel(data: currentPageData, contentHRatio: 0.6) { data in
// Your page layout here
} isNextAvailable: {
// Logic to determine if next data is available
} fetchNext: { nextFromId in
// Logic to fetch next data
} isPrevAvailable: {
// Logic to determine if previous data is available
} fetchPrev: { prevFromId in
// Logic to fetch previous data