DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge Sample Challenges
SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
A mutation-based tool for finding bugs in tests
Prototype implementations for a more compile-time efficient flowgraph API
Packj stops ⚡ Solarwinds-, ESLint-, and PyTorch-like attacks by flagging malicious/vulnerable open-source dependencies ("weak links") in your software supply-chain
concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
Apps for running with the rumprun unikernel on seL4.
Build and share data reports in 100% Python
implementations of a counting bloom, a timing bloom and a scaling timing bloom... made for working with streams!
Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
Open source SDR 4G software suite from Software Radio Systems (SRS)
Linux-CAN / SocketCAN user space applications
Assorted Jupyter notebooks by Daniel Estévez
Tools for GNU Radio interferometry at Allen Telescope Array
lbuild: a generic, modular code generator in Python 3
A Framework for Generating and Executing Digital Twins
A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Automated Payload Reverse Engineering Pipeline for the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol
Computing reachable states of dynamical systems in Julia