- Boxborough, MA
- https://leimingyu.github.io/
This repository contains the solutions and explanations to the algorithm problems on LeetCode. Only medium or above are included. All are written in C++/Python and implemented by myself. The proble…
M. Beyeler (2017). Machine Learning for OpenCV: Intelligent image processing with Python. Packt Publishing Ltd., ISBN 978-178398028-4.
A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-dimensional data
Answer to programming interview questions including all leetcode.com onlinejudge problems.
A neural network with 3 layers made with just numpy as dependency
A sample project using GoogleTest with CMake
linear / logistic regression on gpu
CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
Seesaw v2 is a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform.
Source code examples from the Parallel Forall Blog