- 🔭 I’m currently working on Unity VFX
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Unity ShaderGraph
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Z-spaxis
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Data Structures and Algorithms 😭
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
- 📫 How to reach me: 告诉我们
My Work Experience 👉
Job Name | Roles & responsibilities | Duration |
Z-spaxis | C#,Unity Developmental Engineer | January 2019 - 2022.3 |
ShaderBox | C#,Unity Developmental Engineer | January 2022.3 - Present |
My Work Project 👉
Project Name | Skills used | Description |
VisualEffectGraph-Samples | C#,ShaderLab,HLSL,GLSL | In this project you will be able to access sample scenes and effects made with the Visual Effect Graph. You can download snapshots of these samples by using the release tab, or by cloning this repository.
There are also pre-built binaries for Windows and/or macOS available. |
SpaceshipDemo | C#,ShaderLab,HLSL,GLSL | Spaceship Demo is a AAA Playable First person demo showcasing effects made with Visual Effect Graph and rendered with High Definition Render Pipeline.
DOWNLOAD LATEST RELEASE HERE For update information, see the Changelog. |
VfxGraphTestbed | HLSL | This repository is where I try several VFX ideas with Unity Visual Effect Graph (VFX Graph). |
xNode | C# | Thinking of developing a node-based plugin? Then this is for you. You can download it as an archive and unpack to a new unity project, or connect it as git submodule.
xNode is super userfriendly, intuitive and will help you reap the benefits of node graphs in no time. With a minimal footprint, it is ideal as a base for custom state machines, dialogue systems, decision makers etc. |
xLua | C,HTML,Lua,C#,C++ | xLua为Unity、 .Net、 Mono等C#环境增加Lua脚本编程的能力,借助xLua,这些Lua代码可以方便的和C#相互调用 |
Smrvfx | C# | Smrvfx is a Unity sample project that shows how to use an animated skinned mesh as a particle source in a visual effect graph. |
Odin-serializer | C# | 为 Unity 构建的快速、健壮、强大且可扩展的 .NET 序列化程序 OdinSerializer 是为Odin构建和使用的自定义序列化程序的开源版本 - Inspector & Serializer |