American Physical Society
- Long Island, NY
(UTC -05:00)
log4jruby Public
Ruby Logger interface for log4j. Use log4j directly from JRuby. Configure logging for your ruby classes with your java.
rollbar-gem Public
Forked from rollbar/rollbar-gemException tracking and logging from Ruby to Rollbar
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
events_fno Public
Ruby event from now on - A framework for introducing event sourcing to an already established system
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2019 -
typed_model Public
A Ruby library for defining data schemas via classes with typed fields and built in hydration and serialization
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2019 -
figwheel-main.app Public
App to reproduce Compile Exception java.lang.Exception: Don't know how to write JSON of class java.io.File
Clojure UpdatedAug 13, 2018 -
figwheel-main Public
Reproduce "Compile Exception java.lang.Exception: Don't know how to write JSON of class java.io.File" error
Clojure UpdatedAug 13, 2018 -
warbler Public
Forked from jruby/warblerWarbler chirpily constructs .war files of your Ruby applications.
aws-sdk-typescript Public
Forked from ingenieux/aws-sdk-typescriptTypescript Bindings Generator for the AWS JavaScript SDK
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 4, 2017 -
rspec-announce Public
Adds the announce(msg, &blk) to facilitate Cucumber style output without Cucumber (and separate step definitions).
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2016 -
angular-webpack-seed Public
Adaptation of angular-seed project with Webpack build pipeline
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2015 -
jquery-simpleautogrow Public
Forked from akaihola/jquery-simpleautogrowThis plugin combines ideas from Chrys Bader's jquery.autogrow.js and John Kuindji's jquery.growfield2.js and implements them in a concise and stripped down way.
Cucumber feature viewer and navigator
requirejs-rails Public
Forked from jwhitley/requirejs-railsRequireJS support for your Rails 3 or 4 application
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2014 -
a modular Ruby webserver interface
Ruby Other UpdatedMar 27, 2014 -
chef-rvm Public
Forked from sous-chefs/rvmChef cookbook for RVM. Recipes for installing system wide and by user. LWRPs to manage Rubies, gems, gemsets, wrappers.
Ruby UpdatedJan 28, 2014 -
keepalived Public
Forked from sous-chefs/keepalivedDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook keepalived
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2013 -
multipart-post Public
Forked from bcoe/multipart-postAdds multipart POST capability to net/http
Ruby UpdatedMar 1, 2013 -
jekyll-jammit-lenny Public
Jammit asset packaging integration for Jekyll
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 16, 2012 -
rails_3_9_autoload_issue Public
Sample app to reproduce https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/8213
Ruby UpdatedNov 14, 2012 -
wally-client Public
Client gem for the Wally Cucumber feature viewer and navigator
activerecord-jdbc-adapter Public
Forked from jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapterActiveRecord adapter for JDBC and JRuby. Alternate clone at git://kenai.com/activerecord-jdbc~main
backbone-support Public
Base classes and utilities I like to use in my Backbone.js apps
jekyll Public
Forked from jekyll/jekyllJekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2012 -
unicorn Public
Forked from chef-boneyard/unicornDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook unicorn
chef-unicorn Public
Forked from millisami/chef-unicornUnicorn -- For a Rails/Rack User who wants 0 Downtime free Deploys
rspec-rails Public
Forked from rspec/rspec-railsRspec-2 for Rails-3