Quick Links: [Installation] [eBook & Styles] [Android Builder] [Docs] [Samples]
is a natively compiled Python module powered by the Python4Delphi library. It gives Python developers access to the FireMonkey GUI framework and is freely redistributable. Supports Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android GUI development.
FireMonkey is a GUI framework originally from Embarcadero Delphi for native cross-platform application development. It uses the GPU via DirectX or OpenGL for hardware accelerated rendering. It includes a rich styling system and is user extensible. DelphiFMX for Python does not require Delphi or any experience with Object Pascal.
Be sure to check out the PythonFMXBuilder for deploying your Python scripts on Android and the Delphi for Python Exporter to simplify your UI design.
There is an free eBook and styles bundle with 29 custom styles and 50 pages of content.
You can see the June 2022 live stream replay covering PythonFMX and related projects.
pip install delphifmx
- Win32 x86, Win64 x86, Linux64 x86, Android64, macOS64 and macM1 architectures
- Python cp3.6, cp3.7, cp3.8, cp3.9 and cp3.10
- Win x86 and x64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- Linux x86_64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- macOS x86_64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- Win x86 and x64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- Linux x86_64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- macOS x86_64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10
- Check out DelphiVCL4Python for native Windows GUI in Python.
- Powered by Embarcadero Delphi and the Python4Delphi library.
- While this redistributable library is covered by the Embarcadero Freeware License, all the source code for it is covered by the MIT License.
- Special thanks to PyScripter.
- Sponsored by Embarcadero.