proxymamy Public
like, a homemade solution for elders problems - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bZjKC0EaY0
Python UpdatedDec 9, 2021 -
svelte-yup Public
Forked from HendrikRoth/svelte-yupSvelte component library for form validation with yup
pytest-rabbitmq Public
Forked from dbfixtures/pytest-rabbitmqThis is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running RabbitMQ Queues. It allows you to specify additional fixtures for RabbitMQ process and client.
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 28, 2020 -
league-spartan Public
Forked from sursly/league-spartanAn expanded version of League Spartan, with multiple weights and a variable font.
Shell SIL Open Font License 1.1 UpdatedOct 28, 2020 -
uvicorn-gunicorn-docker Public
Forked from tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-dockerDocker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance web applications in Python 3.6 with performance auto-tuning. Optionally with Alpine Linux.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
solrcloudpy Public
Forked from solrcloudpy/solrcloudpypython library for interacting with SolrCloud
Python Other UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
load-testing Public
Forked from cloudposse-archives/load-testingA collection of best practices, workflows, scripts and scenarios that Cloud Posse uses for load and performance testing of websites and applications (in particular those deployed on Kubernetes clus…
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2020 -
haste-server Public
Forked from biappi/haste-serverfork of haste-server that supports file uploading
JavaScript UpdatedApr 28, 2020 -
django-imgur Public
Forked from andres-torres-marroquin/django-dropboxA Django App that contains a Imgur Storage which uses Imgur.
flatcar-vagrant Public
Forked from coreos/coreos-vagrantMinimal Vagrantfile for Container Linux
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 11, 2020 -
uptime-lite Public
Forked from Cairnarvon/uptimeUptime library for Python in Linux.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 10, 2019 -
bottle-login Public
Forked from klen/bottle-loginImplement users' sessions in Bottle framework
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2019 -
ifaddr Public
Forked from ifaddr/ifaddrPython Library to enumerate all network interfaces
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
ipaddress Public
Forked from phihag/ipaddressPython 3.3's ipaddress for older Python versions
Python Other UpdatedApr 17, 2019 -
restgios Public
A dead simple REST service to obtain NAGIOS services status
Python UpdatedFeb 18, 2019 -
nagios-api Public
Forked from zorkian/nagios-apiA REST-like, JSON interface to Nagios
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 18, 2019 -
supervisord-nagios Public
Forked from kitchen/supervisord-nagiosnagios plugin for supervisord implemented as a supervisorctl plugin
Python UpdatedJan 12, 2019 -
check_docker Public
Forked from timdaman/check_dockerNagios plugin to check docker containers
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 10, 2018 -
open-paperless Public
Forked from zhoubear/open-paperlessScan, index, and archive all of your paper documents
python-zeroconf Public
Forked from m-weryszko/python-zeroconfA pure python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery (for Python 2.x)
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedAug 22, 2018 -
DBUtils Public
Forked from WebwareForPython/DBUtilsDatabase connections for multi-threaded environments
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2018 -
nagios-plugin Public
Forked from sysC0D/nagios-pluginNagios plugin - check docker (cpu / mem / bandwidth)
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
lamassu-kraken Public
Forked from imrehg/lamassu-krakenLamassu Kraken ticker and trader.
JavaScript The Unlicense UpdatedJul 22, 2017 -
load_patstat Public
Forked from simonemainardi/load_patstatAn handy script that helps users loading the official EPO PATSTAT database into MySQL.
Shell UpdatedJun 26, 2017 -
nagios_check_keepalived Public
Forked from alaskacommunications/nagios_check_keepalivedNagios plugin for monitoring Keepalived via SNMP
Perl Other UpdatedOct 6, 2016 -
simple-monitor-alert Public
Forked from Nekmo/simple-monitor-alertA simple monitor with alerts for Unix/Linux under the KISS philosophy.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 6, 2016 -
noembed Public
Forked from leedo/noembedoEmbed gateway service with additional non-oEmbed sources
Perl UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -