A get-only Variable
that is equivalent to ReactiveSwift's Property
This class is highly useful to encapsulate Variable
inside ViewModel so that other classes cannot reach its setter (unbindable) and make state management safer.
In short:
public final class 💩ViewModel<T> {
// 💩 This is almost the same as `var state: T`.
public let state = Variable<T>(...)
// 💩 Exposing `Observable` is NOT a good solution either
// because type doesn't tell us that it contains at least one value
// and we cannot even "extract" it.
public var stateObservable: Observable<T> {
return state.asObservable()
public final class 👍ViewModel<T> {
// 👍 Hide "var"iable.
private let _state = Variable<T>(...)
// 👍 `Property` is a better type than `Observable`.
public let state: Property<T>
public init() {
self.state = Property(_state)
Since this library should rather go to RxSwift-core, there is no plan to release as a 3rd-party microframework for CocoaPods/Carthage/SwiftPackageManager.
If you like it, please upvote ReactiveX/RxSwift#1118 and join the discussion. Current recommended way is to directly use the source code to your project.