Unified commitlint and commitizen config for Megogo projects
npm install --save-dev commitlint-config
- Create config files in your project for commitlint.config.js and commitizen.config.js
const config = require('<path>/commitlint.js');
module.exports = config('<package-shortname>');
const config = require('commitlint-config/commitizen.js');
module.exports = config('<package-shortname>');
- Add commit and commitmsg scripts to package.json
"scripts": {
"commit": "git-cz",
"commitmsg": "commitlint -e $GIT_PARAMS"
- Add commitizen to package.json configs
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./commitizen.config.js"
- Then just run
npm run commit
and follow the commitizen dialog
project-name: shortname of your project (for example: EMB, EPG, CMS etc.)
issue: number of Jira issue
subject: name of Jira issue (max. 72 symbols)
body (optional): long description of changes you have made
As a result you will have commit like this EMB-755: UiSkin fixes.