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安装 (Installation)

npm install react-uni-comps --save
yarn add react-uni-comps

特点 (Features)

  1. 组件丰富,体积小,自动按需加载 (rich components, small size and load on-demand)
  2. 同时支持桌面和移动端,同一套组件,一致的开发体验 (support both desktop and mobile browser environments)
  3. 纯 react-hooks 实现, 拥抱 react 未来 (written in react hooks)
  4. 样式采用 css-in-js (styles based on styled-components, a css-in-js library)
  5. 使用typescript编写,内置类型定义,开发智能提示 (written in typescript with predictable static types.)
  6. 重新导出了三方组件/库/自定义 hooks 等,方便基于同一套技术栈开发 / 扩展 (re-export 3rd-party libs, easy to extend and customize with the same tech stack )

按需加载 (Load On Demand)

支持基于 Tree Shaking 的按需加载,大部分构建工具(例如 webpack 4+ 和 rollup)都支持 Tree Shaking。

supports on-demand loading based on Tree Shaking, most build tools (such as webpack 4+ and rollup) support Tree Shaking.

主题色 (Theme)


Use ThemeProvider to wrap your root component.

<ThemeProvider color="#409eff">

样式 (Styles)

样式基于styled-components, 一个流行的css-in-js 库

styles are based on styled-components , a popular react css-in-js lib

import { Button, styled } from 'react-uni-comps';

const StyledButton = styled(Button)`
  width: 80px;
  height: 32px;
  border-radius: 4px;

<StyledButton>Customized Button</StyledButton>;

三方库 (3rd party libs)

// styled-components
import { styled, css, keyframes, createGlobalStyle } from 'react-uni-comps';

// clsx
import { clsx } from 'react-uni-comps';

// react-transition-group
import { CSSTransition, Transition, TransitionGroup } from 'react-uni-comps';

// react-spring
import { useSpring, animated, easings } from 'react-uni-comps';

// sortablejs
import { Sortable } from 'react-uni-comps';

// nanoid
import { nanoid } from 'react-uni-comps';