Script to create the crash sound dataset. Sounds are recorded inside the car cabin with dashcam or smartphone.
- Crash
- Driving
- Tire skidding
- Horn
- Harsh acceleration
- People talking
- People screaming
- Music
- Pothole
- Meteo (strong rain/hail)
- Police siren
- Ambulance siren
- Firetruck siren
In order to run this script, you should have already installed:
- youtube-dl
- sox
- the main script
- youtube_IDs.csv: list of youtube videos.
- labels: folder with txt files, each with the annotation [start time] [end time] [class]
$ bash ./labels/ ./output
This will create a output folder with a sub-folder per category, including wav files.
- Add the new {video_youtube_id} and relative title to the youtube_IDs.csv file.
- Use Audacity to annotate the file.
- Open the file in Audacity
- Right click on the track -> split stereo to mono and delete one of the two tracks
- Track menu -> add new track- > label track
- Select part and them command+b (or ctrl+b) to add the label
- Edit menu -> Labels -> edit labels -> check and export into a file named {video_youtube_id}.txt
- Finally to save clips: File menu -> Export -> Export Multiple. Option: split files based on Labels and Name files numbering before Label/track name. At this point file name has this convention {video_youtube_id}_{2_digits_counter}-category (e.g., HRamesEI1Iw_39-ambulance.wav)
- Save the annotation in a video_youtube_id.txt file in the labels folder.
If you use this dataset, please cite it:
author="Sammarco, Matteo and Detyniecki, Marcin",
editor="Donnellan, Brian and Klein, Cornel and Helfert, Markus and Gusikhin, Oleg",
title="Car Accident Detection and Reconstruction Through Sound Analysis with Crashzam",
booktitle="Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",