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The Cheby project aims at defining a file format to describe the HW/SW interface (the memory map), and a set of tools to generate HDL, drivers, documentation... from these files.

The Cheby project is the successor of the Cheburashka and Wbgen tools.

Version 0.2

This version offers backward compatiblity with wbgen files, and provides an installer.

To install cheby:

$  python install [--user]

Add --user to install in user directory instead of a system wide installation.

You can use the wbgen2cheby tool to convert from wbgen.

Usage: wbgen2cheby FILE.wb > FILE.cheby

The tool generates on the standard output a cheby file that contains extensions for wbgen compatibility. You can then generate a VHDL file from this cheby file:

$ cheby --gen-wbgen-vhdl FILE.cheby > FILE.vhdl

Version 0.1

The purpose of this version is to handle the Cheburashka files, to generate HDL, and to understand all the features available. Currently there is no real packaging.

Two tools are available:

  • gena2cheby

    Usage: gena2cheby FILE

Convert the Cheburashka/Gena file to the Cheby file format. The result is sent to the standard output. All valid files are supported, all the tags and attributes for generating HDL are converted. Some attributes are currently ignored; the next step is to define how they will be converted.

Note that included submaps are not converted (but the name extension is changed from .xml to .cheby).

The result follows the Cheby file format but many extensions (under the 'x_gena' name) are created to support features not defined in the Cheby core format.

  • cheby

    Usage: cheby --gen-gena-memmap FILE

Generate a VHDL memory map file from FILE. The result is sent to the standard output. The generated file is equivalent to the output of -m.

Usage: cheby --gen-gena-regctrl FILE

Generate a VHDL regctrl file from FILE. The result is sent to the standard output. The generated file is equivalent to the output of

Usage: cheby --print-memmap FILE
Usage: cheby --print-simple FILE

Display a textual description of the memory map described by FILE.