Tool to show live remote control (RC) channels, as sniffed from a live RF stream
Reverse-engineering of rechargeable disposable vapes that include a small color TFT LCD (Raz/Kraze/etc.)
RomanLut / hx-esp32-cam-fpv
Forked from jeanlemotan/esp32-cam-fpvesp32 cam digital low latency fpv
Brushed motor speed controller for RC cars based on the TA6586 driver
Woodlemax / lua-vtx-switch
Forked from alexeystn/lua-vtx-switchMinimalistic OpenTX Lua script for switching VTX channels and LED colors.
Use USB joysticks to remote control a drone or airplane
Spam Apple Proximity Messages via an ESP32
An implementation of a wireless Klipper status display on an ESP32 + screen
Capture birds in your garden, running on raspberry pi.
Motion detection using OpenCV - This is a simple Python script for a action cam that records the birds arriving at a feeding station on my balcony. The script is like a security cam that records vi…
Affordable FPV single node Race Timing solution
Build guide for the LMN-3 project
This is my playground for new changes. Might be broken ;)
An improvisational oscillator for the Korg Nu:Tekt NTS-1 inspired by Laurie Spiegel's Music Mouse