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These data generators model genomic analysis of snails in the Pacific Northwest that are growing to unusual size as a result of exposure to pollution.

  • One or more surveys are conducted at one or more sites.
  • Each survey collects genomes and sizes of snails.
  • A grid at each site is marked out to show the presence or absence of pollution.
  • Laboratory staff perform assays of the snails' genetic material.
  • Each assay plate has a design showing the material applied and readings showing the measured response.
  • Plates may be invalidated after the fact if a staff member believes it is contaminated.

survey sites


  1. Create a fresh Python environment: uv venv
  2. Activate that environment: source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Build development version of package: uv pip install -e .
  4. View available commands: snailz --help
  5. Copy default parameter files: snailz params --outdir ./params
  6. See how to regenerate datasets: python -c 'import snailz; help(snailz)'

To regenerate all data using the default parameters provided, run:

snailz everything --paramsdir ./params --datadir ./data --verbose


The final database data/lab.db is structured as shown below. Note that the data from the file assays.json is split between several tables. Note also that the SQLite database file is not included in this repository because its binary representation changes each time it is regenerated (even though the values it contains stay the same). The map of survey locations in data/survey.png is not included in the repository for the same reason, but a duplicate is manually saved in img/survey.png.

database schema

  • site: survey site
    • site_id: primary key (text)
    • lon: longitude of site reference marker (float deg)
    • lat: latitude of site reference marker (float deg)
  • survey
    • survey_id: primary key (text)
    • site_id: foreign key of site where survey was conducted (text)
    • date: date that survey was conducted (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • sample: sample taken from survey
    • sample_id: primary key (int, 1-1 with experiment.sample_id)
    • survey_id: foreign key of survey (int)
    • lon: longitude of sample site (float deg)
    • lat: latitude of sample site (float deg)
    • sequence: genome sequence of sample (text)
    • size: snail size (float)
  • experiment: experiment done on sample
    • sample_id: primary key (int, 1-1 with sample.sample_id)
    • kind: kind of experiment (text, either 'ELISA' or 'JESS')
    • start: start date (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
    • end: end date (date, YYYY-MM-DD, null if experiment is ongoing)
  • staff
    • staff_id: primary key (int)
    • personal: personal name (text)
    • family: family name (text)
  • performed: join table showing which staff members performed which experiments
    • staff_id: foreign key of staff member
    • sample_id: foreign key of sample/experiment
  • plate: information about single assay plate
    • plate_id: primary key (int)
    • sample_id: foreign key of sample/experiment (int)
    • date: date that plate was run (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
    • filename: filename of design/results file (text)
  • invalidated: invalidated plates
    • plate_id: foreign key of plate (int)
    • staff_id: foreign key of staff member who did invalidation (int)
    • date: when plate was invalidated

Data Files

./data contains a generated dataset for reference. As noted above, it does not contain the SQLite database file lab.db; run snailz db to regenerate it. (See help(snailz) for an example invocation.)

  • Staff: staff.csv
    • staff_id: unique staff member identifier (int > 0)
    • personal: personal name (text)
    • family: family name (text)
  • Genomes: genomes.json
    • length: number of base pairs (int > 0)
    • reference: the unmutated reference genome (text)
    • individuals: sequences for individuals (list of text)
    • locations: locations of mutations (list of int)
    • susceptible_loc: location of mutation of interest (int >= 0)
    • susceptible_base: mutated base responsible for size change (char)
  • Grids: grids/*.csv (one file per site)
    • values are contamination levels at sample points (0 means no contamination)
  • Samples: grids/samples.csv
    • sample_id: unique ID for genetic sample (text)
    • survey_id: which survey it was taken in (text)
    • lon: longitude of sample site (float)
    • lat: latitude of sample site (float)
    • sequence: sampled gene sequence (text)
    • size: snail weight (float, grams)
  • Assays: assays.json
    • experiment: experiment details
      • sample_id: sample that experiment used (int > 0)
      • kind: "ELISA" or "JESS" (text)
      • start: start date (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
      • end: end date (date, YYYY-MM-DD or None if experiment incomplete)
    • performed: join table showing who performed which experiments
      • staff_id: foreign key to staff
      • sample_id: foreign key to experiment
    • plate: details of assay plates used in experiments
      • plate_id: unique plate identifier (int > 0)
      • sample_id: foreign key to sample (text)
      • date: date plate was run (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
      • filename: name of design and results files (text)
    • invalidated: which plates have been invalidated
      • plate_id: foreign key to plate (text)
      • staff_id: foreign key to staff member responsible (text)
      • date: invalidation date (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Plates are represented by matching files in the designs and readings directories
    • designs/*.csv: assay plate designs
      • header: machine type, file type ("design" or "readings"), staff ID
      • blank line
      • table with column and row titles showing material in each well
    • readings/*.csv: assay plate readings
      • header: machine type, file type ("design" or "readings"), staff ID
      • blank line
      • table with column and row titles showing reading from each well
  • To simulate the messiness of real experimental data, the tidy assay plate files in readings/*.csv are copied to mangled/*.csv with random changes:
    • Some files have a staff member's name added in the first row.
    • Some have an extra header row containing the experiment date.
    • Some have a footer with the staff member's ID.
    • In some, the values are offset one column to the right.


The workflow used to generate the database and data files is shown below:

  • snailz or snailz --help: show available commands
  • snailz clean: remove all datasets
  • snailz everything: make all datasets
  • snailz grids: synthesize pollution grids
  • snailz genomes: synthesize genomes
  • snailz samples: sample snails from survey sites
  • snailz staff: synthesize staff
  • snailz assays: generate assay files
  • snailz plates: generate plate files
  • snailz mangle: create mangled plate reading files
  • snailz db: generate database
  • snailz map: generate SVG map of sample locations (in progress)

data generation workflow


./snailz/params contains the parameter files used to control generation of the reference dataset. These are included in the package and can be copied into the current directory using snailz params --outdir . (replace . with another directory name as desired). snailz params also copies a Makefile that can re-run commands with appropriate parameters; see the table of commands given earlier for options.

  • Sites: sites.csv
    • site_id: unique label for site (text)
    • lon: longitude of site reference marker (deg)
    • lat: latitude of site reference marker (deg)
  • Grids: grids.json
    • depth: range of random values per cell (int > 0)
    • height: number of cells on Y axis (int > 0)
    • seed: RNG seed (int > 0)
    • width: number of cells on X axis (int > 0)
  • Surveys: surveys.csv
    • survey_id: unique label for survey (text)
    • site_id: ID of site where survey was conducted (text)
    • date: date that survey was conducted (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
    • spacing: spacing of measurement point (float, meters)
  • Genomes: genomes.json
    • length: number of base pairs in sequences (int > 0)
    • num_genomes: how many individuals to generate (int > 0)
    • num_snp: number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (int > 0)
    • prob_other: probability of non-significant mutations (float in 0..1)
    • seed: RNG seed (int > 0)
    • snp_probs: probability of selecting various bases (list of 4 float summing to 1.0)
  • Staff: staff.json
    • locale: locale to use when generating staff names (text)
    • num: number of staff (int > 0)
    • seed: RNG seed (int > 0)
  • Assays: assays.json
    • assay_duration: range of days for each assay (ordered pair of int >= 0)
    • assay_plates: range of plates per assay (ordered pair of int >= 1)
    • assay_staff: range of staff in each assay (ordered pair of int > 0)
    • assay_types: types of assays (list of text)
    • control_val: nominal reading value for control wells (float > 0)
    • controls: labels to used for control wells (list of text)
    • enddate: end of all experiments
    • filename_length: length of stem of design/readings filenames (int > 0)
    • fraction: fraction of samples that have been used in experiments
    • invalid: probability of plate being invalidated (float in 0..1)
    • seed: RNG seed (int > 0)
    • startdate: start of all experiments
    • stdev: standard deviation on readings (float > 0)
    • treated_val: nominal reading value for treated well (float > 0)
    • treatment: label to use for treated wells (text)