シンプル - Discord Bot with role selection, moderation, karma ranking, a starboard, code execution, raid alerting, backups, a web interface, twitch notifications and more!
Desk Thing: The Discord Thing, Trello Thing, The Weather Thing, The Macro Thing, Just not The Car Thing anymore
Massively collaborative spotify playlists
A Spotify Playlist Recommendation System based on a collaborative filtering algorithm using the Million Playlist Data Set (MPD).
Simple discord bot to add spotify songs to a playlist whenever a spotify link is posted in the chat
A discord bot made for adding songs to a spotify playlist ; Upgraded version of my old and private spotbot program.
A discord bot that tracks invites and much more
A Discord bot for managing communal Spotify playlists
General filters and function for use with Advanced Custom Fields WP Plugin
Boilerplate Plugin ready-to-use with WPM.
A "Modular" approach to create WordPress plugins.
Simple Wordpress plugin for adding filter functionality to Elementor Archive Posts widget
A WordPress Plugin that adds the ability to display the contents of an ACF Post Object field as a list of post links.
A simple way to deactivate/activate Elementor widgets.
A simple plugin to show/hide elementor-widgets based on dynamic tags
Create a skin for Elementor Pro Post and Post Archive widgets using Elementor templates
Custom elements (widgets) for Elementor WordPress plugin
This plugin enables GPL features of Elementor Pro: widgets, theme builder, dynamic colors and content, forms & popup builder, and more.
Basic plugin showing how you can add a custom widget to Elementor
Wordpress Elementor Responsive Mega Menu
A web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON
Composer repository for WordPress translation files
Gooey Hover Effects on Images with Three.js
A slideshow with liquid distortion effects in WebGL powered by PixiJS and GSAP
Elementor Pro mirror for those using composer to manage their wordpress dependencies
Strut - An Impress.js and Bespoke.js Presentation Editor