- terrain_number: The string with the terrain number ("13" for this group).
- training_percentage: The percentage of the original set to use in training set.
- simulation_plot: The boolean flag to enable/disable the simulation plot.
- test_set_error_plot: The boolean flag to enable/disable the plot of error in test set.
- simulation_error_plot: The boolean flag to enable/disable the plot of error in simulation.
- sets_from_file: The boolean flag to enable/disable the use o training/test sets from specific files.
- training_set_path: The path to training set if set_from_file flag is true.
- training_set_path: The path to test set if set_from_file flag is true.
- layers: The layers architecture (ei: [2, 30, 10, 1] including the input and output layers).
- eta: The learning rate.
- epsilon: The error dimmension.
- weight_init: The weight initialization mode (RANDOM or FAN_IN).
- activation: The activation function (TANH or EXPONENTIAL).
- momentum: The momentum coeficient (must be between 0 and 1).
- weight_decay: The weight decay proportion.
- max_epochs: The max epochs for the training.
- learning: The learning mode (BATCH or INCREMENTAL).
- optimization: The optimization of backpropagation (SGD or ADAPTIVE_ETA or ADAM).
- alfa: The adaptive eta alfa parameter.
- beta: The adaptive eta beta parameter.
- error_horizon: The adaptive eta k parameter.
- output_funtion: The output function (LINEAR).
- beta_1: The beta 1 Adam parameter.
- beta_2: The beta 2 Adam parameter.
- adam_epsilon: The epsilon Adam parameter.
This project uses octave with statistics octave package previuos installed.
To install statistics pacakage in octave execute the following command in the Octave's Command Window:
pkg install -forge statistics
Run the project by executing the following command in the Octave's Command Window having as working directory the project folder:
source main.m
Group 13
- AQUILI, Alejo Ezequiel (57432)
- BASSANI, Santiago (57435)
- SANGUINETI ARENA, Francisco Javier (57565)