clickhouse_sinker is a sinker program that transfer kafka message into ClickHouse.
- Easy to use and deploy, you don't need write any hard code, just care about the configuration file
- Custom parser support.
- Support multiple sinker tasks, each runs on parallel.
- Support multiply kafka and ClickHouse clusters.
- Bulk insert (by config
). - Loop write (when some node crashes, it will retry write the data to the other healthy node)
- Uses Native ClickHouse client-server TCP protocol, with higher performance than HTTP.
Download the binary files from release, choose the executable binary file according to your env, modify the conf
files, then run ./clickhouse_sinker -conf conf
Install Golang
Go Get
go get -u
- Build && Run
make build
## modify the config files, set the configuration directory, then run it
./dist/clickhouse_sinker -conf conf
- look at the integration test.
- there is a simple tutorial in Chinese which created by user @taiyang-li.
- Json
- Csv
- UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
- Float32, Float64
- String
- FixedString
- DateTime(UInt32), Date(UInt16)
- Array(UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
- Array(Float32, Float64)
- Array(String)
- Array(FixedString)
- Array(DateTime(UInt32), Date(UInt16))
- Nullable
- ElasticDateTime => Int64 (2019-12-16T12:10:30Z => 1576498230)
See config [example](./conf/config.json, ./conf/tasks/*.json)
- bufferSize: 每次读取条数
- minBufferSize: 最小的写入到ch的条数,少于不写入
- flushInterval: 读取频率
- dims: config中定义的column与clickhouse中对映
- autoSchema: 是否将config中的字段与clickhouse中的system.columns做对比
- excludeColumns: 过滤的不需要插入clickhouse的字段
- You just need to implement the parser interface on your own
type Parser interface {
Parse(bs []byte) model.Metric
See json parser
echo '{"date": "2019-07-11T12:10:30Z", "level": "info", "message": "msg4"}' | kafkacat -b -P -t logstash
clickhouse-client -q 'select * from default.logstash'
2019-12-16 info msg4
2019-07-11 info msg4
2015-05-11 info msg4
2019-07-11 info msg4