We provide a box with smart, sharp tools that keep developers happy. The toolbox is based on:
- zsh - a popular shell
- tmux - a terminal multiplexer: lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal
- neovim - an extensible text editor based on vim,vi & ex
To these three interfaces we we add the plugins, frameworks and skins:
- pyenv - simple python version management
- antibody - zsh plugin manager
- tpm - tmux plugin manager
When you install our IDE we will backup your conf files and
link the files under ~/.afide/config
to their proper place:
$ ll ~/.zshrc
lrwxrwxrwx ... /home/daonb/.zshrc -> /home/daonb/.afide/config/zshrc
- to print last 100 commandsvi
- for neovim, the 4th incaranation ofed
, named after the 2ndide
- to start or connect to the tmux session
Using ^ for ctrl:
- ^a| - split verticlly
- ^a- - split verticlly
- ^a ^h - move one pane right
- ^a ^l - move one pane left
- ^a ^j - move one pane down
- ^a ^k - move one pane up
- ^a ^s - Saving current windows and panes
- ^a ^r - Restore the last saved windows and panes
- liquid prompt - the best prompt, ever
- alias-tips - reminding you of aliases
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-completions - for missing completions
- tpm - tmux plugin manager
- tmux-sensible - sensible settings
- vim-tmux-navigator seamless navigation between
- [tmux-resurrect](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'
- tmux-copycat
- tmux-open
If you want to change something, go ahead, fork this repo and edit one of the
files. All the configuration files are grouped into two directories: /config
and '/skin'. Run make test
to validate your changes and reset:
exec zsh
when you change a zsh file- CTRL-aI for tmux files
:source %
after changing your init.vim`.
,, TODO: add command afide reset
to clean the mess above
First get the basic tools from distro packages (as root):
apt get update
apt get install neovim zsh tmux
Next, install antibody, pyenv, latest python and the virtual envs required:
curl -sfL git.io/antibody | sh -s - -b /usr/local/bin
curl https://pyenv.run | zsh
exec "SHELL"
pyenv install 2.7.15
pyenv install 3.7.3
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.15 afide2
pyenv activate afide2 && pip install neovim
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.3 afide3
pyenv activate afide3 && pip install neovim
git clone https://github.com/the-fittest-ide/a-fittest-ide.git ~/.afide
cd ~/.afide
make install
Open a new zsh
and type ide
to enjoy the fruits of evolution.
If you decide it's not for you just afide uninstall
and we'll remove ourselvs and restore the config files.
- Dr. Bunsen: The Text Triumvirate
- Jannis Hemanns: The iPad Pro as main computer for programming
- Doug Black: Adding vim to your zsh
- Keggan Lowenstein: Tmux and Vim - even better together
- Michel Lopp: The Foamy rules for rabid tools
- Fatih Arslan: Using the iPad Pro as my development machine
- vim-awesome
- dotfiles