- San Diego, CA
- https://www.lewdawson.com
vcrpy Public
Forked from kevin1024/vcrpyAutomatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2023 -
dbt-clickhouse Public
Forked from ClickHouse/dbt-clickhouseThe Clickhouse plugin for dbt (data build tool)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 20, 2022 -
lewisdawson.github.io Public
Forked from barryclark/jekyll-nowBuild a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
CSS MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2019 -
kafka-connect-twitter Public
Forked from jcustenborder/kafka-connect-twitterKafka Connect connector to stream data in real time from Twitter.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
kubernetes-kafka Public
Forked from Yolean/kubernetes-kafkaKafka cluster as Kubernetes StatefulSet, plain manifests and config
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 4, 2018 -
kafka-connect-storage-cloud Public
Forked from confluentinc/kafka-connect-storage-cloudKafka Connect suite of connectors for Cloud storage (currently including Amazon S3)
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2018 -
spring-cloud-demo Public
A set of modules that demonstrate the various areas of functionality provided by Spring Cloud.
Java UpdatedJun 19, 2018 -
terraform-dcos Public
Forked from mesosphere-backup/terraform-dcosDC/OS Terraform Installation and Upgrading Scripts
HCL Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 15, 2018 -
lombok-intellij-plugin Public
Forked from mplushnikov/lombok-intellij-pluginLombok Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Java BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 13, 2018 -
The remote configuration repo associated with the spring-cloud-demo app.
UpdatedApr 8, 2018 -
streamx Public
Forked from qubole/streamxkafka-connect-s3 : Ingest data from Kafka to Object Stores(s3)
common Public
Forked from confluentinc/commonCommon utilities library containing metrics, config and utils
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 20, 2017 -
node-ib Public
Forked from pilwon/node-ibInteractive Brokers TWS API client library for Node.js
Java UpdatedFeb 27, 2017 -
lerna Public
Forked from lerna/lerna🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 16, 2017 -
handlebars.java Public
Forked from jknack/handlebars.javaLogic-less and semantic Mustache templates with Java
Java Other UpdatedMar 18, 2016 -
defuzzer Public
A small proxy implementation used to debug service/proxy failure scenarios.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 12, 2016 -
docker-nginx-node-redis Public
An example multi-tier Docker web application stack that utilizes Nginx, Node.js, and Redis.
A simple Java application that demonstrates advanced Jackson (de)serialization functionality.
lri Public
A collection that evicts the least recently inserted (lri) element from of the collection once it has reached a defined capacity.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 30, 2015 -
node-cache-manager-fs Public
Forked from hotelde/node-cache-manager-fsNode Cache Manager store for filesystem
JavaScript UpdatedNov 24, 2015 -
A basic app that demonstrates the use of Backbone.Marionette.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 26, 2015 -
slinker Public
A simple module used to symlink node and Browserify module dependencies together.
java-equals-hashcode-example Public
A simple Java example that demonstrates a better way to implement equals() and hashcode().
UpdatedAug 22, 2015 -
basic-backbone-app Public
A demonstration of a very basic Backbone app.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 9, 2015 -
scryptor Public
A simple bash function library that can be sourced for common bash functionality.
Shell UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -
clientside-testing-example Public
Simple to understand examples to clientside testing with Mocha, Chai, Sinon, and Karma.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 25, 2015 -
user-agent-utils Public
Forked from HaraldWalker/user-agent-utilsUtilities for processing user-agent strings. Can be used to handle http requests in real-time or to analyze log files.
Java BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 5, 2014