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A simple set-up for hosting your knowledge base on a server, using NGINX and Docker. With the help of the mdBook utility, the knowledge base is compiled from markdown into HTML files and served as static html content with NGINX.

SSL Certificate

For SSL to work properly you should get a key and certificate:

  • from any valid CA, e.g.: letsencrypt via certbot.
  • or create them yourself, this detailed guide can help you out.

N.B.: if you chose the second option, you should add the generated certificate manually to every device, you are going to visit your web-server from.

After you have obtained the key and certificate, rename them <domain_name>.key and <domain_name>.crt respectively and put them to the ssl directory.

Knowledge base source

Copy everything from the root directory of the knowledge base or clone it to the book directory.

$ git clone <kb_source> book/

Environment variables

Host IP and name can be the same if you serve it on a local machine and do not want to mess with the hosts file.

# .env

How to automate updates of knowledge base on server

Every time you make changes to your knowledge base, it should be recompiled by the mdbook tool into HTML again to reflect those changes on your server.

Do you need this? Of course not, if you work on you knowledge base from time to time. You just recompile manually.

I do frequent edits and updates to my KB, so some automation wont hurt. :-)

Git based approach

If your knowledge base source is tracked by Git, one of the easy solutions to that would be a cron-job scheduled to run git pull every n minutes and run git post-merge hook after the changes have been successfully merged.

  1. Create a cron job
$ crontab -e
*/<minutes> * * * * <path_to_script>

and the the cron job script.

# ~/.local/share/scripts

#!/usr/bin/env bash
git pull
  1. Create a post-merge hook in the knowledge base source repository.
# ./book/.git/hooks/post-merge

#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker compose --file $COMPOSE_FILE up --no-deps builder

This solves 2 problems:

a. You dont need to git pull changes manually.

b. mdbook recompiles source of your knowledge base on the fly, you dont even need to restart the server.


Host your knowledge base with minimal effort!






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