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Statistically Efficient Advantage Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning in Infinite Horizons

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Statistically Efficient Advantage Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning in Infinite Horizons

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Part 1: Data


The case study considered in this paper is implemented using the OhioT1DM dataset for blood glucose level prediction. The data contains continuous measurements for six patients with type 1 diabetes over eight weeks. The objective is to learn an optimal policy that maps patients’ time-varying covariates into the amount of insulin injected at each time to maximize patients’ health status.


The OhioT1DM dataset is available from However, a Data Use Agreement (DUA) is required to protect the data and ensure that it is used only for research purposes.


In our experiment, we divide each day of follow-up into one hour intervals and a treatment decision is made every hour. We consider three important time-varying state variables, including the average blood glucose levels $G_{t}$ during the one hour interval $(t-1, t]$, the carbohydrate estimate for the meal $C_{t}$ during $(t-1, t]$ and $\text{Ex}_{t}$ which measures exercise intensity during $(t-1, t]$. At time $t$, we define the action $A_t$ by discretizing the amount of insulin $\text{In}_t$ injected. The reward $R_t$ is chosen according to the Index of Glycemic Control that is a deterministic function $G_{t+1}$. Detailed definitions of $A_t$ and $R_t$ are given as follows,

$$ A_t = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{In}_t = 0; \\ m, & 4m-4 < \text{In}_t \le 4m ,~~(m=1, 2, 3); \\ 4, & \text{In}_t > 12. \end{cases} $$

$$ R_t = \begin{cases} -\frac{1}{30}(80-G_{t+1})^2, & G_{t+1} < 80; \\ 0, & 80 \le G_{t+1} \le 140; \\ -\frac{1}{30}(G_{t+1} - 140)^{1.35}, & 140 \le G_{t+1}. \end{cases} $$

Let $X_t=(G_t,C_t,\hbox{Ex}_t)$. We define the state $S_t$ by concatenating measurements over the last four decision points, i.e., $S_t = (X_{t-3}, A_{t-3}, \cdots, X_t)^\top$. This ensures the Markov assumption is satisfied. The number of decision points for each patient in the OhioT1DM dataset ranges from 1119 to 1288. Transitions across different days are treated as independent trajectories.

The data used in the paper is called the trajs_mh.pkl. However, for confidentiality considerations, we do not put it in this repository. The code to generate this data is placed in the in the data folder. Once you have downloaded the raw data, put it in the same folder as the code, and then run the code to get the data used in this paper.

Synthetic data

Two OpenAI Gym environments, LunarLander-v2 and Qbert-ram-v0 are used to generate the synthetic data. You can run the qr_dqn_online.ipynb in the data folder and change the env_name and num_actions to get the trajs_qr_dqn_lunar.pkl and the trajs_qr_dqn_qbert.pkl respectively. These two files are zipped in the data/synthetic_data.rar.

Part 2: Code


The seal folder contains the core code to implement the proposed method and various utility functions.


seal package Overview

  • models: network structures.
  • agents: DQN, QR-DQN, MultiHeadDQN (REM), DiscreteBCQ, and BEAR(MMD replaced by KL_control) agents.
  • replay_buffers: basic and prioritized replay buffers.
  • algos: behavior cloning, density estimator, advantage learner, fitted Q evaluation, etc.
  • utils: utility functions.

Computational Complexity

we assume that the forward and backward of network complexity is S.

  • step 2 (Policy optimization): training L DQN agents, batch size B_1, training steps I_1, total O(L * I_1 * B_1 * S)
  • step 3 (Estimation of the density ratio): training L density estimators, batch size B_2, training steps I_2, total O(L * I_2 * B_2^4 * S)
  • step 4 (Construction of Pseudo Outcomes): batch size B_3, total O(B_3 * N * T * A * S), where N number of trajs, T average length of trajs, A number of actions.
  • step 5 (Training $\tau$): batch size B_4, training steps I_4, total O(I_4 * B_4 * S)

Optional Information

All experiments run on a single computer instance with 40 Intel(R) Xeon(R) 2.20GHz CPUs.

  • Python version: Python 3.6.8 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)

Main packages for the proposed estimator

  • numpy == 1.18.1
  • pandas == 1.0.3
  • sklearn == 0.22.1
  • tensorflow == 2.1.0
  • tensorflow-probability == 0.9
  • gym == 0.17.3

Part 3: Reproducibility workflow

Synthetic data results

  • copy the data/data/synthetic_data.rar/trajs_qr_dqn_lunar.pkl to the lunarlander-v2/dqn_2_200/random/ folder, and change its name to trajs_qr_dqn.pkl. Use the cd command to switch to the lunarlander-v2 directory and run the python file (around 20 hours without GPU support). This will generate DQN v.s. SEAL offline training results under 200 trajectories randomly sampled out of the total trajectories in .csv files. Similarly, we can obtain DDQN, QR-DQN, REM, Discrete-BCQ and Discrete-BEAR results. Same procedures to take with Qbert-ram-v0.
  • We aggregate all the results in the synthetic_results folder with plots_lunar and plots_qbert folders. Each folder contains dqn.csv, ddqn.csv, qrdqn.csv and 4_methods.csv.

Real data results

  • Run the DQN_mh.ipynb under the realdata folder after putting the trajs_mh.pkl into the realdata/data/mh/dqn folder. This will generate DQN v.s. SEAL training results in a .pkl file. Similarly, we can obtain DDQN, QR-DQN, REM, Discrete-BCQ and Discrete-BEAR results.
  • We aggregate all the results in the real_data_results folder containing dqn.csv, ddqn.csv, qrdqn.csv and 4_methods.csv.


You can get the Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 in the article by running the file The figs folder contains these figures named Figure_2.png, Figure_3.png and Figure_4.png.


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Statistically Efficient Advantage Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning in Infinite Horizons






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