In case dialed number starts with + symbol remove it. Add calling card access code and international prefix (like 011). Insert the original number into CallLog.
To compile and deploy, run:
cd callingcard
mvn clean install android:deploy
To run from eclipse
Import as Existing maven project
Tests are implemented using the Appium.
APK file should be located in callingcard_test/app
CallingCardTest - local Appium server.
CallingCardTestSauceLab - running on Saucelabs.
Enter correct credentials into file.
APK file will be compressed and uploaded to Saucelabs storage as
see (Appium for Android on Sauce Labs)
To compile and run all tests, run:
cd callingcard_test
mvn test
To run a single test, run:
cd callingcard_test
mvn -Dtest=org.lfreeman.callingcard.CallingCardTestSauceLab test
To run from eclipse
Import as Existing maven project