Assignment #1 for COMP4004
Created by: Lukas Romsicki
Student Number: 101059080
- Clone this repository.
cd COMP4004-A1
into the source.mvn package
- Compile the source into target
into the location of the JARs.
java -cp COMP4004-A1-0.0.1.jar server.Server <sequence>
- Start the server, where<sequence>
is eitherseq_a
.java -cp COMP4004-A1-0.0.1.jar client.Client
- Run this 3 times in separate shells to start each client.
java -cp COMP4004-A1-0.0.1.jar server.Server
- Start the server.- In the same shell, enter an integer representing the number of players and press enter.
java -cp COMP4004-A1-0.0.1.jar client.Client
- Run as many times as needed in separate shells to start each client.