A Docker factory: containing templated dockerfiles, cross compiling docker images. Including CMake, Qt5
Configure the templated Dockerfile.in into Dockerfiles using jq and sed. The configure script will replace all the %%KEYWORD%% keys with the correct values. The script will also 'copy-and-paste' the contents of the include files where it finds the #include keywords.
Note: the paths are relative to where the script is run, that's why we have "include/file.name" style since it is intended to be run from the top level directory.
# install jq
$ sudo apt install jq
$ ./configure
# or build and run the jq image
$ docker build -t jq tools/jq
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD jq ./configure
Build the docker images
# read help
$ make help
# build base image
$ make base
# build qt5 image
$ make qt5
# build cross-compile base image
$ make xc-base-arm64
# build cross-compile qt5 image
$ make xc-qt5-arm64
# build all images
$ make all
Push the docker images