A plugin library to make your console application a windows system service, or a linux daemon service
On Windows there are commandline option to install,remove,start and stop the service.
-i Install the system service
-r Removes the system service
-s Starts the system service
-e Shuts down the system service
-p System service is paused (pause)
-c System service will continue (Continue)
-f Start the application as a console application
-k Reload configuration
-h Show this help
On linux you have to copy the file in the init.d directory to /etc/init.d/ and rename it, modify the execution rights, and change the application name and the path for the application in that file.
commanline option are: /etc/init.d/filename start|stop|status|restart|reload|install|remove
#include "Service.h"
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
SrvParam svParam;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
svParam.szDspName = L"Example Service"; // Servicename in Service control manager of windows
svParam.szDescrip = L"Example Service by your name"; // Description in Service control manager of windows
svParam.szSrvName = L"ExampleServ"; // Service name (service id)
svParam.fnStartCallBack = []()
{ // Start you server here
svParam.fnStopCallBack = []()
{ // Stop you server here
svParam.fnSignalCallBack = []()
{ // what ever you do with this callback, maybe reload the configuration
return ServiceMain(argc, argv, svParam);