A file disassembler for programs created in Macromedia Director. It is also a decompiler for Lingo bytecode, the script language used in Director. Finally, it is also an attempt to document the file/data format used by Director.
The project is initially targeting Macromedia Director version 6.5.
The project is still in development. For current status see the wiki.
The documentation for the Director 6.5 file formats can be found at ./docs/format-spec/readme.md.
The project is written in python 3.8. It is recommended to use a virtual environment when running the project. locally. To set it up (on a unix-like environment), run the following commands
python3.8 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt
This package can be used in two ways:
Run the GUI program and explore director files visually. Run
python run_explorer.py
with the optional arguments
- --filepath path/to/file.dir
- Specify a file to preload
- --basedir path/to/basedir/
- Specify the default directory to show when opening the file explorer inside the program.
Use the library from python directly:
from tonguetwister.disassembler.file_disassembler import FileDisassembler file_disassembler = FileDisassembler() file_disassembler.load_file(filename) file_disassembler.unpack()
Previously you could only unpack lingo scripts, thus the following script currently exist for legacy reasons.
To see the decompilation of a single script, run:
python example.py <link/to/folder/data.cst> <script_number> <function_number>
Initially try with script_number = 0
and function_number = 0
and experiment from there.
See this link inside the format specification.