Webapp build in Go to keep track of Brazilian T-Bonds(Tesouro Direto) rates and values.
Official Bond page: http://www.tesouro.fazenda.gov.br/tesouro-direto
- SQLLite driver: https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
- datatables: https://datatables.net/
- gorm: https://github.com/jinzhu/gorm
- chart.js: http://www.chartjs.org/
- Get page from http://tesouro.fazenda.gov.br/web/stn/tesouro-direto-precos-e-taxas-dos-titulos
- Look for the last date/time page update
- Retrieve all bonds for buying, add them to Bond struct and ask for save it
- Retrieve all bonds for selling, add them to Bond type and ask for save it
- A quote is just a representation of a group of bonds on a specific date/time (future implementation)
- assets: files used by weapp package when serving http
- core: main types and logic
- core/scrap: contains the logic from scrapping the site and retrieve data
- database: connect/disconnect and perform database requests
- util: general purpose functions
- webapp: contains all web interface and http handling
- name(string): Bond name, e.g.: Tesouro Selic 2023 (LFT)
- kind(string): Generaly the bond index, e.g.: Selic
- index(string): The financial indicator which interest is build
- old_name(string): The previous bond naming, e.g.: LTF
- due_date(datetime): When the bond expires, e.g.: 01/03/2023
- rate(float64): Interests that you will earn, e.g.: 10,18
- min_price(float64): The minimum amount which you can buy a bond, based on its unit price, e.g.: 92.59
- unit_price(float64): How much the bond costs, e.g.: 9.258,94
- last_update(float64): the last datetime when it was updated by Tesouro Nacional
- fetch_datetime(datetime): When the happened the fetch of Tesouro Direto site
- SetBond: set struct fields
- Add: save a bond to database.
- String: Stringer implementation
It aggregates buy or sell bonds in a specific fetch_date and fech_time bonds table.
- datetime(datetime): when a quote was retrieved
- type(string): if it's a quote for buying or selling a bond
- bonds(Bond): all the bonds on an specific date and type
- GetQuote: method to receive type and date or time(or both) and get all bonds
- ListDistinctBonds: get a list of all bons already loaded, by its type
- GetBondsByNameType: get a list of bonds by its name and type
id INTEGER, - unique identifier
fetch_date TEXT, - when(date) the bond quote happened
fetch_time TEXT, - when(time) the bond quote happened
buy_sell INTEGER, - identify a bond value for buying(0) or selling(1)
name TEXT, - bond name, e.g.: Tesouro Selic 2023 (LFT)
index TEXT, - which index the bond is based, e.g.: Selic
old_name TEXT, - (deprecated) the old name of a bond, e.g.: LTF
due_date TEXT, - bond's due date, e.g.: 01/03/2023
rate REAL, - interest rate, e.g.: 10,18
min_price REAL, - a buying bond has a minimum amount(a fraction of a bond), e.g.: 92.59
unit_price REAL, - bond's full price, e.g.: 9.258,94
last_update TEXT, - last date/time government has updated bond's page