I hope that one day software engineers will obsolete ourselves. That is, we will write an application capable of writing all other applications for us. Genetic programming (GP) is about just that: creating programs that solve problems based on expected outputs for given inputs. As a colleague of mine put it, you write the unit tests and the computer does the rest. Of course, both my colleague and I know we're not quite there yet!
Most, if not all, of the algorithms implemented here are based on the excellent descriptions in A Field Guide to Genetic Programming. I've concentrated on readability and correctness as opposed to speed of execution or even reliability, so please excuse the lacklustre performance and the fact that tail recursion is not used in places. Also note that the algorithms implemented here are, to quote the authors, "the simplest thing that could possibly work".
The snippets (those without file names) below should work in the SBT console of the project (or an IntelliJ worksheet). The project is available in my GitHub repository: mattroberts297/genetic-programming-1.
There are three main steps in GP (2 and 3 are repeated):
- Generate a population of programs;
- Evaluate the fitness of those programs; and
- Evolve a new, hopefully fitter, population of programs.
In order to do any of those things, however, we need to be able to represent programs in some way. This is normally done by means of an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST considered here is handcrafted and only capable of representing simple polynomial expressions. There are, however, many tools capable of automatically generating ASTs from grammar files (my personal favourite being ANTLR). Here is the handcrafted AST:
package model
sealed trait Exp
case class Con(value: Float) extends Exp
case class Var(name: Symbol) extends Exp
sealed trait BinOp extends Exp {
def lhs: Exp
def rhs: Exp
case class Add(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends BinOp
case class Sub(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends BinOp
case class Mul(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends BinOp
case class Div(lhs: Exp, rhs: Exp) extends BinOp
object Exp {
import scala.util.Try
def eval(exp: Exp, st: ST): Float = exp match {
case Con(value) => value
case Var(name) => st(name)
case Add(lhs, rhs) => eval(lhs, st) + eval(rhs, st)
case Sub(lhs, rhs) => eval(lhs, st) - eval(rhs, st)
case Mul(lhs, rhs) => eval(lhs, st) * eval(rhs, st)
case Div(lhs, rhs) => Try(eval(lhs, st) / eval(rhs, st)).getOrElse(1f)
And a type alias from ST to Map[Symbol, Float] for the symbol table:
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
package object model {
type ST = Map[Symbol, Float]
There are a three design decisions in the above code worth discussing.
First, constants and variables are always of type Float
. There are two main reasons for this: type safety and memory consumption. Creating a generic AST and accompanying symbol table(s) would be reasonably straight forward, but writing GP algorithms that operate on them in a type safe fashion would not be so simple.
Second, the eval
method never throws java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
when performing division returning 1
instead. This ensures both type and evaluation safety and, again, makes it easier to write GP algorithms that operate on ASTs without encountering runtime exceptions.
Third, and finally, both Exp
and BinOp
are sealed traits. This makes pattern matching easier because the compiler will warn us about incomplete matches instead of leaving us at the mercy of runtime exceptions.
In order to better understand what we are trying to achieve automatically it is useful to manually create some ASTs and plot the results of evaluating them for various values of x
Here is an AST for the second degree polynomial f(x) = x^2 - x - 2
import model._
Sub(Sub(Mul(Var('x), Var('x)), Var('x)), Con(2))
It can be evaluated for various values of x
like so:
import model._
val exp = Sub(Sub(Mul(Var('x), Var('x)), Var('x)), Con(2))
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> -3)) // res0: Float = 10
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> 0)) // res0: Float = -2
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> 3)) // res0: Float = 4
This plots shows the result of the expression for values of x
between -3
and 3
Here is another, slightly more complex, AST for the third degree polynomial f(x) = x^3 / 4 + 3x^2 / 4 - 3x / 2 - 2
import model._
As before, the result for various values of x
can be determined like so:
import model._
val exp = Sub(Sub(Add(Div(Mul(Var('x),Mul(Var('x),Var('x))),Con(4)),Div(Mul(Con(3),Mul(Var('x),Var('x))),Con(4))),Div(Mul(Con(3),Var('x)),Con(2))),Con(2))
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> -2)) // res1: Float = 2.0
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> 0)) // res2: Float = -2.0
Exp.eval(exp, Map('x -> 2)) // res3: Float = 0.0
And here is the plot:
From looking at both the AST and the chart you can hopefully see that the third degree polynomial will be more difficult to generate automatically than the second degree polynomial. These two expressions, one simpler and one more complex, will make good test cases for our GP solution.
In GP, the leafs of an AST, whether they be constants or variables, are referred to as the terminal set. The branches whether they be unary, binary or some other arity function are referred to as the function set. Using the AST defined above the following terminal and functional sets can be created:
import scala.collection.immutable._
val terminalSet = IndexedSeq(Var('x)) ++ 1f.to(5f, 1f).map(Con)
val functionSet = IndexedSeq(Add, Sub, Div, Mul)
With these sets it's possible to generate an AST of some arbitrary depth depth
. The simplest way to do this is to create a full
tree. The algorithm is reasonably simple. If the depth has been reached then return a random terminal from the terminal set. Otherwise return a random function from the function set and use the result of the next recursion as its arguments. Here is a function that does that:
def full(
depth: Int,
functions: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminals: IndexedSeq[Exp]): Exp = {
def loop(i: Int): Exp = {
if (i == depth) {
} else {
random(functions)(loop(i + 1), loop(i + 1))
def random[T](elements: IndexedSeq[T]): T = {
function resides in an object namedGP
. I omit the following "boiler plate" when discussing methods in that object:
import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.util.Random import org.slf4s.Logging import model._ object GP with Logging { // Functions go here. }
Here are some example ASTs with depths `1`, `2` and `3` generated with the `full` method:
![Full trees](https://assets.mattroberts.io/img/FullTrees.png "Full trees")
The `full` method is simple and definitely works, but all the trees for a given depth have the exactly same number of leafs. This leads to a surprisingly uniform population. The `grow` method resolves this issue by randomly stopping the recursion:
###### GP.scala
def grow(
depth: Int,
functions: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminals: IndexedSeq[Exp]): Exp = {
def randomStop: Boolean = {
val tl = terminals.length.toFloat
val fl = functions.length.toFloat
random() < tl / (tl + fl)
def loop(i: Int): Exp = {
if (i == depth || randomStop) {
} else {
random(functions)(loop(i + 1), loop(i + 1))
def random(): Float = Random.nextFloat()
Here are three example ASTs all of depth 3
generated with grow
These two methods can be composed together to create the method rampHalfHalf
. The idea behind this is to use grow
for one half of the population and full
for the other. Further, the method starts at depth
1 and ramps up to some maxDepth
(as opposed to all trees being the same depth
def rampHalfHalf(
count: Int,
maxDepth: Int,
functions: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminals: IndexedSeq[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
def loop(acc: Set[Exp], i: Int, depth: Int): Set[Exp] = {
if(i == count) {
} else {
val tree = if (i % 2 == 0) {
full(depth, functions, terminals)
} else {
grow(depth, functions, terminals)
val nextDepth = if (depth == maxDepth) 1 else depth + 1
if (acc.contains(tree)) {
loop(acc, i, nextDepth)
} else {
loop(acc + tree, i + 1, nextDepth)
loop(Set.empty, 0, 1)
The method above is a little finicky for several reasons. First, instead of comparing acc.size
to count
the value i
is used. This is because the size
method on set is inefficient. Second, if the acc
set already contains a tree then i
is not incremented. Third, and contrary to i
, depth
is always incremented unless the maxDepth
has been reached and in this case it is set to 1
. This is because, especially for large values of count
, it is possible that all permutations of trees at a certain depth
have been generated. If depth
were not incremented then the recursion could be infinite.
In fact, even the above method would not terminate if
were high andmaxDepth
low, so be careful if you use it. If termination is important to you, and it probably is, then it's best to accept duplicates and return aSeq
With the above, it is now possible to create an initial population:
val count = 10000
val maxDepth = 5
val terminalSet = IndexedSeq(Var('x)) ++ 1f.to(5f, 1f).map(Con)
val functionSet = IndexedSeq(Add, Sub, Div, Mul)
val initial = rampHalfHalf(count, maxDepth, functionSet, terminalSet).toVector
Evaluating fitness is easier than you might think. Given some input there is an expected output. Then evaluating fitness is just a matter of measuring the difference between the expected and actual outputs produced by evaluating a function. For anyone who has done unit testing with multiple test cases this should feel familiar. The next step, namely reducing those differences into one measure for all test cases, may feel decidely unfamiliar. For anyone with a machine learning background this will feel quite natural though.
In our example the inputs are stored in the symbol table. The symbol table therefore is the only input. We also know how to calculate the result of the polynomial expression, so we can calculate the expected values for a given set of inputs:
val cases = (-1f).to(1f, 0.05f).map(x => (Map('x -> x), pow(x, 2) - x - 2)).toMap
The type of cases
is Map[ST, Float]
. In other words, it maps symbol tables (inputs) to expected results. Now we need to use these cases to evaluate the fitness of a given tree. To do this, first we have to evaluate each case against the tree and store the absolute difference between the actual and expected results. Then we have to sum these differences to give one final figure for all cases:
def fitness(cases: Map[ST, Float])(tree: Exp): Float = {
cases map { case (symbols, expected) =>
val actual = Exp.eval(tree, symbols)
Math.abs(expected - actual)
} reduce { (a, b) =>
a + b
I have intentional written this using map and reduce. I could have also used foldLeft
or foldRight
and an accumulator. The map-reduce nature of the algorithm should feel natural to anyone from a machine learning background and hints at the fact that this can be trivially parallelised.
You may have already guessed this, but as the correctness of the generated trees improves the value returned by the fitness
function will approach 0
. When the tree gives the correct result for each case then the fitness function will return 0
import scala.collection.immutable._
import model._
import GP._
def pow(a: Float, b: Float): Float = Math.pow(a, b).toFloat
val exp = Sub(Sub(Mul(Var('x), Var('x)), Var('x)), Con(2))
val cases = (-1f).to(1f, 0.05f).map(x => (Map('x -> x), pow(x, 2) - x - 2)).toMap
val f = fitness(cases)(exp)
f // 0.0
The next step is to evolve the initial population into a new population. There are many algorithms to evolve programs (some haven't even been discovered yet). I'll look at three:
- Mutation
- Crossover
- Replication
Mutation will introduce a degree of randomness and brute force into the overall approach. Most GP enthusiasts would recommend keeping it's use to a minimum (and I agree). That said, it is important because it can help bump a GP run out of a local optimum. The idea is to take a tree, pick a random subtree within it's branches and replace it with another tree grown from the function and terminal sets:
def mutate(
functionSet: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminalSet: IndexedSeq[Exp],
maxDepth: Int)(
exp: Exp): Exp = {
val target = random(exp)
val replacement = grow(maxDepth, functionSet, terminalSet)
replace(exp, target, replacement)
Note the use of two new functions random
and replace
and one old function grow
. The first function invokes collectAll
to convert the Exp
into an IndexedSeq[Exp]
containing the root of the tree and all its subtrees using the generic collect
function and a, not so partial, anonymous function. The result is then passsed to the previously defined random
function that takes an IndexedSeq[T]
def random(tree: Exp): Exp = {
def collectAll(tree: Exp): IndexedSeq[Exp] = {
collect(tree) { case e => e }
def collect[T](tree: Exp)(pf: PartialFunction[Exp, T]): IndexedSeq[T] = {
def loop(subtree: Exp, acc: IndexedSeq[T]): IndexedSeq[T] = {
val result = if (pf.isDefinedAt(subtree)) acc :+ pf(subtree) else acc
subtree match {
case v: Var => result
case c: Con => result
case o: BinOp => result ++ loop(o.lhs, acc) ++ loop(o.rhs, acc)
loop(tree, IndexedSeq.empty[T])
The second function is responsible for replacing some node target
in the original expression exp
with a replacement
. The method uses reference equality instead of value equality because there may be many subtrees with value equality. This works because the mutate
method picks an element from the original tree. The method performs a recursive descent through the tree. The first case
in the match
statement checks for reference equality and if it is found then returns the replacement
. All other cases perform a copy. If the target does not exist then a copy of the original expression is returned:
def replace(exp: Exp, target: Exp, replacement: Exp): Exp = {
def repl(exp: Exp) = replace(exp, target, replacement)
exp match {
case exp: Exp if (exp.eq(target)) => replacement
case Con(value) => Con(value)
case Var(symbol) => Var(symbol)
case Add(lhs, rhs) => Add(repl(lhs), repl(rhs))
case Sub(lhs, rhs) => Sub(repl(lhs), repl(rhs))
case Mul(lhs, rhs) => Mul(repl(lhs), repl(rhs))
case Div(lhs, rhs) => Div(repl(lhs), repl(rhs))
Crossover is responsible for breeding new trees. It does this by taking two parents (left
and right
) and selecting random subtree from each (replacement
and target
). The random selection is actually quite heavily biased in favour of operators to avoid pruning trees to aggressively. A copy of the right
tree is made with the target
replaced with the replacement
def crossover(left: Exp, right: Exp): Exp = {
val replacement = biasedRandom(left)
val target = biasedRandom(right)
replace(right, target, replacement)
def biasedRandom(tree: Exp): Exp = {
def biasedCollect(tree: Exp): IndexedSeq[Exp] = {
val ops = collectOps(tree)
if (random() > 0.9 || ops.isEmpty) {
} else {
def collectOps(tree: Exp): IndexedSeq[Exp] = {
collect(tree) { case o: BinOp => o }
def collectTerminals(tree: Exp): IndexedSeq[Exp] = {
collect(tree) {
case v: Var => v
case c: Con => c
Tournament is the process by which two parents are selected for crossover. The method takes two trees and their respective fitness values and returns the fittest tree:
def tournament(a: (Exp, Float), b: (Exp, Float)): Exp = {
val (aExp, aFit) = a
val (bExp, bFit) = b
if (aFit < bFit) aExp else bExp
The last algorithm is very simple. Given a population, take a percentage of the fittest individuals and carry them across to the next population. The method to implement replication will have to take a population of trees as it's input. Note that up until now each algorithm has taken one or two trees as inputs. With that in mind, here is the replicas
def replicas(
treesAndFitness: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Float)],
percent: Float = 0.19f,
acc: Set[Exp] = Set.empty[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
val length = acc.size + (treesAndFitness.length.toFloat * percent).toInt
val sortedTrees = treesAndFitness.
sortBy { case (_, fitness) => fitness }.
map { case (exp, _) => exp }
def loop(acc: Set[Exp], remaining: IndexedSeq[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
if (acc.size == length) {
} else {
loop(acc + remaining.head, remaining.tail)
loop(acc, sortedTrees)
Before putting everything together, let's create methods that wrap mutate
and crossover
, but take populations of trees as their arguments. Starting with crossovers
def crossovers(
treesAndFitness: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Float)],
percent: Float = 0.8f,
acc: Set[Exp]= Set.empty[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
val length = acc.size + (treesAndFitness.length.toFloat * percent).toInt
def loop(acc: Set[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
if (acc.size == length) {
} else {
loop(acc + crossover(
tournament(random(treesAndFitness), random(treesAndFitness)),
tournament(random(treesAndFitness), random(treesAndFitness))))
And finally the mutants
def mutants(
functionSet: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminalSet: IndexedSeq[Exp],
maxDepth: Int)(
trees: IndexedSeq[Exp],
percent: Float = 0.01f,
acc: Set[Exp]= Set.empty[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
val length = acc.size + (trees.length.toFloat * percent).toInt
def mutate = GP.mutate(functionSet, terminalSet, maxDepth)_
def loop(acc: Set[Exp]): Set[Exp] = {
if (acc.size == length) {
} else {
loop(acc + mutate(random(trees)))
One thing to note is that each method takes an accumulator. This avoids the situation whereby the population is compromised of trees that are exactly the same.
The run
method uses a tight loop to repeatedly evolve the initial population until some user-defined fitness criteria is reached:
def run(
functionSet: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Exp) => Exp],
terminalSet: IndexedSeq[Exp],
cases: Map[ST, Float],
fitness: Map[ST, Float] => Exp => Float,
criteria: Float => Boolean,
maxRuns: Int = 1000,
maxDepth: Int = 6,
populationSize: Int = 100000): Exp = {
val initial = rampHalfHalf(populationSize, maxDepth, functionSet, terminalSet).toVector
def loop(run: Int, current: IndexedSeq[Exp]): Exp = {
val treesAndFitness = current.map { tree => tree -> fitness(cases)(tree) }
val (topTree, minFitness) = fittest(treesAndFitness)
val mutants = GP.mutants(functionSet, terminalSet, maxDepth)_
log.debug(s"run=${run}, minFitness=${minFitness}")
if (criteria(minFitness)) {
} else {
run + 1,
loop(1, initial)
def fittest(treesAndFitness: IndexedSeq[(Exp, Float)]): (Exp, Float) = {
treesAndFitness.minBy { case (_, fitness) => fitness }
The Main
application contains key parameters including:
The number of trees to generate.maxDepth
The maximum depth of the initial tree population.terminalSet
The terminals to use when constructing trees.functionSet
The functions to use when constructing trees.cases
The cases to use when evaluating the fitness of trees.criteria
The criteria used to decide when to stop evolving trees.
import scala.collection.immutable._
import org.slf4s.Logging
import model._
object Main extends App with Logging {
import GP._
val maxDepth = 6
val terminalSet = IndexedSeq(Var('x)) ++ 1f.to(5f, 1f).map(Con)
val functionSet = IndexedSeq(Add, Sub, Div, Mul)
def pow(a: Float, b: Float): Float = Math.pow(a, b).toFloat
val cases = (-3f).to(3f, 0.5f).map(x => (Map('x -> x), pow(x, 2) - x - 2)).toMap
def criteria(fitness: Float): Boolean = fitness < 0.01f
val fitTree = run(functionSet, terminalSet, cases, fitness, criteria, populationSize = 1000)
log.info(s"Fittest tree: ${fitTree}")
cases.foreach { case (symbols, expected) =>
log.info(s"${expected}\t${Exp.eval(fitTree, symbols)}")
If you're interested to see what a single evolution looks like then you can do that from the console or a worksheet:
import scala.collection.immutable._
import model._
import GP._
val count = 10
val maxDepth = 6
val terminalSet = IndexedSeq(Var('x)) ++ 1f.to(5f, 1f).map(Con)
val functionSet = IndexedSeq(Add, Sub, Div, Mul)
val initial = rampHalfHalf(count, maxDepth, functionSet, terminalSet).toVector
def pow(a: Float, b: Float): Float = Math.pow(a, b).toFloat
val cases = (-1f).to(1f, 0.05f).map(x => (Map('x -> x), pow(x, 2) - x - 2)).toMap
val treesAndFitness = initial.map { tree => tree -> fitness(cases)(tree) }
val mutants = GP.mutants(functionSet, terminalSet, maxDepth)_
val next = crossovers(
The Main
object and worksheet above contain cases
for the second degree polynomial introduced way back at the beginning of this post. As the number of runs increase the aim is to converge on the actual solution. If we chart the fittest tree of each iteration then we can see this happening run by run:
Note that the actual line is obscured by the expected line i.e. it is a perfect match. Also, I labelled the charts as runs 1 through 5, but they are actually just runs where there was an improvement i.e. more runs were needed. That said, convergence seemed to happen pretty quickly all things considered i.e. sometimes sub second and no more than 2 seconds or 20 runs.
To try and generate a third degree polynomial I just had to change my cases
val cases = (-3f).to(3f, 0.5f).map(x => (Map('x -> x), pow(x,3) / 4 + 3 * pow(x, 2) / 4 - 3 * x / 2 - 2)).toMap
I suggested earlier that a third degree polynomial would be more difficult to generate automatically. In fact, what I found is that I would be lucky if the program converged at all. As time passed and the number of runs increased beyond a 100 then things started to slow down. Further, the fitness decrements became smaller and more infrequent. The give away for me was the runs slowing down. I took an educated guess and assumed the trees were getting too big and then the program became stuck in a local, but large optima (I could have proven this by printing out some trees).
The solution, as with the other algorithms, is reasonably straight forward: prune the trees after each evolution. I'm sure this is probably in the book, but I either skimmed over it or forgot it. Here is the method I used:
def prune(
terminalSet: IndexedSeq[Exp],
maxDepth: Int)(
tree: Exp): Exp = {
def loop(subtree: Exp, depth: Int): Exp = {
subtree match {
case op: BinOp if (depth >= maxDepth) => random(terminalSet)
case Con(value) => Con(value)
case Var(symbol) => Var(symbol)
case Add(lhs, rhs) => Add(loop(lhs, depth + 1), loop(rhs, depth + 1))
case Sub(lhs, rhs) => Sub(loop(lhs, depth + 1), loop(rhs, depth + 1))
case Mul(lhs, rhs) => Mul(loop(lhs, depth + 1), loop(rhs, depth + 1))
case Div(lhs, rhs) => Div(loop(lhs, depth + 1), loop(rhs, depth + 1))
loop(tree, 0)
And here is how I tacked it onto the end of the loop (note that I was too lazy to write a version that operates on a population of trees):
run + 1,
Set.empty))).toIndexedSeq.map(prune), minFitness)
Doing this constrains the search space and means that each execution is quick i.e. no slow down over time. With pruning I found the number of runs varied from 50-200, but that the time to execute floated around the 2 second mark on average. Here are some more charts:
Genetic programming seems like a brilliant way to search a constrained space for an optimum or approximate solution to some problem. Don't forget the full source is available on GitHub at mattroberts297/genetic-programming-1. If there is interest then I'll do a follow up post showing how to run this on a Spark cluster.