MFC -> delete a random function; success, using //
MVIV -> delete the init value of a varDecl; success, using //
MVAV -> delete the value assginemnt with RHS value; success //new using floatLiteral & IntegerLiteral
MVAE -> delete the value assginemnt with RHS value; success //new using callExpr & binaryOperator
MIA -> if (a) b, -> delete if a; success
MIFS -> if (a) b -> delete all; success
MIEB -> if(a) b else (c) d,only leave d; success
MLC -> if(a&&b),delete &&b; success //new
MLPA -> delete one assginment statement; success
WVAV -> Assignment a random num in assignment; success //new a random 0~999 assigned to float or int
WPFV -> use another var for the para in the fun
- count the num of funtion with para
- random choose one -> random choose one para
- find all varDecl before the choosing function
- random choose one var
- replace the choose var with the choosing para
WAEP -> f(a+b) —>> f(a) or f(a-b)… success //new