Welcome to Tik-Tak, a fork of the ClockingIT project (www.clockingit.com) made by SYS-TECH, started in march 2009.
Remove features that are jugded unnecessary or rarely used by our employees
Concentrate development on the most used features and ways of making them better
Redesign interfaces to make interactions between the user and Tik-Tak fast, easy and simple
Make controllers act more like web services to give the possibility of integrating Tik-Tak with other apps
Make SQL queries simpler and faster to improve overall speed. (Significant performance bottlenecks have been observed in the reports generator, the widget generator, the task filter, and the project listing.) Refactor code to follow more closely the ‘fat model, thin controller’ paradigm to ease the transition towards more RESTful controllers and ease the creation of external projects that can reuse Tik-Tak code.
TODO: List features that we’d like to add and those coming soon
New options have been added to the widget for sorting tasks. You can now sort by :
Task name
Creation date
Modification date
Due date
Last task worked on
Last tasks created by user
The ‘priority’ sorting has also been changed. Bookmarked tasks are shown first, followed by tasks which are due soon, and then overworked tasks. This new sorting brings to the top tasks that need your attention the most.
A new kind of widget has also been added called ‘Tasks from filter’ giving you the possibilty of customising your task listing by selecting a previously saved filter.
The star appearing next to a task has been replaced by a bookmark to give it a clearer meaning. Bookmarked tasks will always be shown first when sorting tasks by priority or alphabetically in a widget. The bookmark metaphor will soon be integrated to other parts of Tik-Tak.
New filter options have been added to the search bar in the task tab. You can now filter by :
Task number
Task created by user X that has no one assigned to it
A new interface and RESTful controller is near completion for creating and managing tasks.
Overlapping work logs are now flagged red in generated reports. Useful for finding work logs that have been modified and no longer match the workday schedule.
A new report type called ‘Merged time sheet’ has been added. In the ‘Time sheet’ report, the total work time is calculated by adding up the duration of each work log, no matter if work logs overlap each other or not. With a merged time sheet, time from overlapping work logs is subtracted from the total, easing the calculation of total ‘real’ hours spent in a workday.
A new time range has also been added enabling you to generate reports since the last pay period (more details below)
A new notion of ‘pay period’ is gradually being added to Tik-Tak. A Pay period represents the number of days an employee works before he receives his pay check. You can define the initial date and the number of days in a pay period in the company settings.
A timer that displays an estimate of the work time left before the next pay period has been added next to the tab menu (at the top of the page). The estimate is caluclated by multiplying a work day (defined in the user preferences) by the number of days in a pay period and subtracting the total time worked since the last pay period.
A notice group represents a group of users that will be notified by email on certain events or actions. For now, you can configure notice groups to be notified either when a new project is created of when a new task is created inside certain projects. Notice groups work independantly of task notifications. Notice groups can only be created by administrators for the time being.
TODO: add notice group to tab menu, gregory is getting tired of having to type /notice_groups in the URL each time.
In the company settings, you can add users to a default list of users that will automatically be added to all projects newly created.
Custom task attributes. (too much of a hassle to work with, not integrated well enough with other features)
Unread icon, previously the star. (Task notifications are sufficient)
In task properties, the task tags, task type, and task severity. (These properties are rarely (actually, only one person used them from time to time) used)
task_owner and notification tables in DB. (will be merged into ‘assignments’ table)
File attachments to a task. (Too buggy and not used)
Chat system. (Didn’t work in the firt place, and too much effort needed to re-integrate)
Ferret server (using the Search classes from upstream instead)
The source is released under the GNU GPL v3 license.
The easiest way to get the source and easily update it from time to time is with git. You’ll need to install that on your machine and then run:
git clone git://github.com/sys-tech/tik-tak.git
You need to be running some type of Unix: OSX, Linux, Solaris, BSD. Windows will probably not work. You will also need a database. MySQL and MariaDB have been heavily tested, and some people are running postgresql.
Basic system packages needed to install the rest:
ruby and rails
mysql (or postgresql)
How to install these will differ on each platform. Some possibilities:
TODO: try this out
portinstall ruby-iconv ruby18-gems ruby18-mysql rubygem-rake ImageMagick
TODO: try this out
First install the Macports system from www.macports.org. Then:
sudo port install rb-rubygems rb-mysql rb-rake ImageMagick
You need to install these packages first:
sudo aptitude install build-essential ruby rubygems ruby1.8-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev mysql-server libmysql++-dev libmagick9-dev
After that, use rubygems to install the latest version of rails:
sudo gem install rails ruby-debug
TODO: add doc on how to setup nginx + thin
Install Phusion Passenger from www.modrails.com/install.html You can also run CIT with Mongrel, but it tends to be a little easier with Phusion to set up.
Naturally you’ll want to be running Apache httpd and have an appropriate virtual host set up. There are lots of great resources out there to help with that. The virtual host should point to the top of the CIT installation directory.
There is a script in the root of the package that does a basic setup Tik-Tak. You can run it by opening a terminal, typing:
ruby setup.rb
and answering the questions.
Email notifications requires a mail agent (like exim, qmail or sendmail) already setup on the host system. To setup email notifications, edit the file config/environment.local.rb and adjust the parameters for your mail agent
There are a few Ruby gems which are needed for running CIT. Change directory into the top of your CIT installation, then type:
rake gems:install
That will install the gems you need.
If you have trouble on OSX with the mysql gem (this seems to be an issue on 10.5 and 10.6), then try this
sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-include=/opt/local/include/mysql5 --with-mysql-lib=/opt/local/lib/mysql5 --with-mysql-config=/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_config
TODO: this procedure works more or less. Test it out and write more details
Update your local git repository with
git pull
Check that there aren’t any updated gems or new gems to install. If there are, just follow the instructions you will be given on screen.
rake gems
Next, make sure the database is updated and javascript/css rebuilt.
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake asset:packager:build_all
Depending on which environment you are updating, you can change the RAIL_ENV value to “test” or “development” and the appropriate database will be updated.
Find the daemons running with
ps ax | grep ruby
then kill each of the three running daemons.
Restart daemons
cd /usr/local/www/tik-tak nohup ./script/push_server & apachectl restart
You need to set up your email software so that it sends all emails for a subdomain to your rails user, and set up the alias so that it runs the mailman script.
For example to configure sendmail to pass to Tik-Tak all emails sent to domain.com. See www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/sendmail.html for more help on configuring sendmail on FreeBSD systems.
Add an entry to /etc/mail/local-host-names to contain your domain
Add an entry to /etc/mail/aliases to create an alias that will hand off emails to the mailman script
cit: "|/path/to/cit/script/runner -e production 'Mailman.receive(STDIN.read)'"
Add an entry to /etc/mail/virtusertable to redirect all emails to your domain to the above alias
@domain.com cit
run “make; make restart” in /etc/mail