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Welcome to helpers 👋

Custom methods that can make developer's work easier.

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Avaliable Methods


Returns the index position of an element in a slice using a callback function.

package main

import (
	helpers ""

func findApple(fruit string) bool {
  return fruit == "Apple"

func main() {
  fruits := []string{"Banana", "Grape", "Apple"}

  fmt.Println(helpers.FindIndex(fruits, findApple)) // will print "2"


Returns an element of a slice using a callback function.

package main

import (
	helpers ""

type fruit struct {
  name string
  color string

func findLime(fruit fruit) bool {
  return == "Lime"

func main() {
  fruits := []fruit{
		{name: "Banana", color: "yellow"},
		{name: "Lime", color: "green"},
		{name: "Apple", color: "red"},

  fmt.Println(helpers.Find(fruits, findLime)) // will print "{Lime green}"


Applies the callback to the elements of the given slice.

package main

import (
	helpers ""

func cube(number int) int {
  return (number * number * number)

func main() {
  numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

  fmt.Println(helpers.Map(numbers, cube)) // will print "[1 8 27 64 125]"


Filters elements of a slice using a callback function.

package main

import (
	helpers ""

func odd(number int) bool {
  return (number % 2) == 1

func main() {
  numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

  fmt.Println(helpers.Filter(numbers, odd)) // will print "[1 3 5]"

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