This branch is for the OO style See /bin/party-spike
grid (rows, cols, fr s) | flexbox (direction, width)
image | text | heading
home | about | services | projects | contact
site == nav tree
layout == container tree
style == css classes
building a website...
a site is built as a set of html pages, connected a menu, with css to style elements and javascript to handle events
this represents a separation of concerns: roughly speaking html as model, css as view and javascript as controller
the downside is that this "hcj" construction divides the aspects into 3 monoliths that must be managed in parallel
a site is built as a single page application with frameworks such as react that compose elements and ship as javascript
the elements are hooked into event driven framework which propagates events and updates up and down
the downside is that this react construction, while localizing mvc concerns, emphasizes event based dynamism over static content
and, alternatively:
a site is built in a functional way with elm
- bring in latest steve-02-fn (as Click-To-Edit5.rakumod)
- revert to for loop (c2e5)
- oo class to role
- TWEAK back into roles (see Vadim post)
- synopsis-c2e to live
- render HTML::Functional
- render CroTmp
- routes
- picocss root
- rm steve-03-php
- crud site
- picocss local
- Get a definitive list of HTML tags
- Export them so that
and so on - Pass and format the HTMX attributes
- Bring in synopsis from design
- Release with App::Mi6
- Write some tests
- Publish as raku-htmx on the htmx Discord
- Make a parse script to get routes (likely will want a grammar)??
<p hx-get="">Click Me</p>
- Write some docs
Typical deployment dir structure: ~/foo > tree . ├── Dockerfile ├── META6.json ├── ├── lib │ └── Routes.rakumod ├── service.raku └── static ├── css ├── images ├── index.html └── js
my $app = route { get -> 'test' { content 'text/html', q:to/HTML/;
Aside from fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print too. Lick to login could really be a thing.
HTML } }How to launch cro + HTMX:
- Install modules
zef install --/test cro HTMX
- Use cro to make a stub service
cro stub http foo foo
cd foo
- Use HTMX / HTMOO to make your website and place it in
- add method chains to HTMOO
- add image tag to HTMOO
- add role Party (a Part is a div)
- add Container(s) - ie flexbox and grid
- Use rahx to htmx
rahx stub foo
- reads .rahx.yml for config data
- make static index.html, place in foo/static and with static route
- puts static js, css, etc in static/ with static route
- make dynamic routes based on
- consider adding back end template to this module (like this
- CSS - try some alternatives, read some stuff, make a plan
- Cro - how to integrate HTMX Static pages with Cro backend
- Hummingbird - ditto for HB
- Attribute checking (need deeper list of attr names and set of types)
- Do the ¶ term - NOPE this messes with editor code preview
librasteve [email protected]
Copyright 2024 librasteve
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.