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This module provides a Monadic API for callback computations in BuckleScript applications, as described in this article.

It provides a unified API for dealing with both callback-based asychronous computations as well as promises. Whenever possible, the code is optimized for javascript.


npm install [--save] bs-async-monad

Then add it to your bsconfig.json:

  "bs-dependencies" : [


Monadic computations are handy to write code that handles asynchronous errors and results in a composable fashion without having to repeat the same patterns again. For instance, from the examples/ section:

open BsAsyncMonad.Callback

module Fs : sig
  type fd
  val fopen  : string -> fd t
  val unlink : string -> unit t

(* Pipe two asynchronous computations: *)
let unlink_if_fopen path =
  (Fs.fopen path) >> fun _ ->
    Fs.unlink path

Here, errors raised during the first call are immediately passed to the final callback without having to repeatedly write that pattern over and over.

This is similar to the Promise API but with less overhead and a focus on composability.

The API is as follows:

module type Async_t = sig
  (** Generic type for a computation. *)
  type 'a t

  (** A computation that returns a result of type 'a. *)
  val return : 'a -> 'a t

  (** A computation that returns an error. *)
  val fail : exn -> 'a t

  (** Combine two computations.
   * Operates on a constant call stack if [noStack] is true
   * with the drawback that no call trace will be returned
   * in case of error. Default: [false].
   * [noStack] is ignored and always [true] for [Promise] computations. *)
  val compose : ?noStack:bool -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
  val (>>)    : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

  (** Catch errors raised during a computation. *)
  val catch  : ?noStack:bool -> 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t
  val (||>)  : 'a t -> (exn -> 'a t) -> 'a t

  (** Pipe a result through a function. Equivalent to:
   * [computation >> fun v -> return (fn v)] *)
  val pipe : ?noStack:bool -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
  val (>|) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

  (** Execute a callback regardless of success or failure.
   * Errors raised by the [unit t] computation are discared. *)
  val ensure : ?noStack:bool -> 'a t -> (unit -> unit t) -> 'a t
  val (&>)   : 'a t -> (unit -> unit t) -> 'a t

  (** Execute a function regardless of success or failure.
   * Errors raised by the function are discared. *)
  val ensure_pipe : ?noStack:bool -> 'a t -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a t
  val (|&>) : 'a t -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a t

  (** Discard a computation's result. *)
  val discard : 'a t -> unit t

  (** Repeat a computation. Tail-recursive. *)
  val repeat : (unit -> bool t) -> (unit -> unit t) -> unit t

  (** Same as repeat but with negative condition. *)
  val repeat_unless : (unit -> bool t) -> (unit -> unit t) -> unit t

  (** Execute a computation conditionaly. *)
  val async_if : bool t -> (unit -> unit t) -> unit t

  (** Same as async_if but with negative condition. *)
  val async_unless : bool t -> (unit -> unit t) -> unit t

  (** In the following [concurrency] refers to the number
   * of concurrent executions. It is meant as in the node
   * model of concurrency, i.e. JS code is always non-concurrent
   * but e.g. HTTP Get calls can be queued via the event loop. *)

  (** Fold over a list or array of elements. Tail-recursive.
   * Result order will be shuffled when using concurrency > 1. *)
  val fold_lefta : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a t) -> 'a t -> 'b array -> 'a t
  val fold_left  : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a t) -> 'a t -> 'b list -> 'a t
  val fold_lefti : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'a t) -> 'a t -> 'b list -> 'a t

  (** Iter over a list or array of computations. Tail-recursive.
   * Execution order will be shuffled when using concurrency > 1. *)
  val itera  : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> unit t) -> 'a array -> unit t
  val iter   : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> unit t) -> 'a list -> unit t
  val iteri  : ?concurrency:int -> (int -> 'a -> unit t) -> 'a list -> unit t

  (** Map results. Tail-recursive.
   * Result order will be shuffled when using concurrency > 1. *)
  val mapa : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a array -> 'b array t
  val map  : ?concurrency:int -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a list -> 'b list t
  val mapi : ?concurrency:int -> (int -> 'a -> 'b t) -> 'a list -> 'b list t

  (** Execute a sequence of computations.
   * Execution order will be shuffled when using concurrency > 1. *)
  val seqa : ?concurrency:int -> unit t array -> unit t
  val seq  : ?concurrency:int -> unit t list -> unit t

  (** Force a list or array of computations to resolve with fixed concurrency.
   * [resolver] defaults to [fun _ -> return ()] *)
  val resolvea : ?resolver:('a -> unit t) -> concurrency:int -> 'a t array -> 'a t array
  val resolve  : ?resolver:('a -> unit t) -> concurrency:int -> 'a t list -> 'a t list

  (** Execute a computation and pass its result to a callback.
   * Default [exceptionHandler] raises any received exception. *)
  val execute : ?exceptionHandler:(exn->unit) -> 'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
  val finish  : ?exceptionHandler:(exn->unit) -> unit t -> unit


Async monad for bucklescript applications






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