# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
If you need some help with git, follow this procedure.
1. clone your forked repo
Command : `git clone REPOSITORY_NAME`
2. then setup the original repository that you forked from as upstream
Command: `git remote add upstream UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY_NAME`
3. Each time you start coding make a fetch request to download the latest codes from original repo and be updated
`git fetch upstream`
`git pull upstream master`
Now you're all set.
To push your own codes follow these steps:
1. `git add .`
2. `git commit -m "commit name"`
3. `git push -u origin REPOSITORY_BRANCH_NAME`
Then go to your repo and make a pull request.
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out [Nuxt.js docs](https://nuxtjs.org).
## Naming conventions
### Naming folders
Folder structure should be organized in such a way that we understand any file's location on context.
The folder name should be minuscule only and written with a single word.
To help new contributors, it is advised to have a clear separation of the parts of the application.
#### Examples
Say we are looking for the *Cart component*.
Since this is a component, it has to be in the `/component` folder.
components/ accounts/ Login.vue Register.vue administration/ cart/ Cart.vue OrderSummary.vue MiniCart.vue products/ Products.vue Filters.vue single/ ProductInfo.vue ProductDescription.vue
### Naming files
### Naming variables
### Naming functions