The Denton is a repository for EDE Laboratory official website. The name denton is taken from a baby's name in English which means "Rumah yang Bahagia" (a happy home).
- PHP >= 7.3.0
- Laravel 8
- Clone this repository.
- Duplicate
and rename it to.env
then make changes according to your development server configuration. - Run the command
composer install
in the project folder of this repository. - Run the command
php artisan key:generate
- Create a database called
(match with your .env) on your development server - Run the command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Run the app
php artisan serve
It is assumed that you have been successfully run the application on your development server.
- Before making any changes, create a new git branch with
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
- Make a changes and don't forget to commit with descriptive message.
- Push to the remote repository
git push origin <your_branch_name>
Have a problem or question? Don't hesitate to open a discussion on the EDE Discord Channel.