Yeoman generator for creating responsive emails using Zurb Ink framwork. Developed and used by Lighting Beetle.
(sudo) npm install -g yo
- Gulp (Task Manager)
- Sass (CSS Preprocessor)
- Jade (HTML templating)
- Browser Sync (livereload development)
- ZURB Ink responsive email templates
- ZURB Ink CSS using Sassy Ink Unofficial Sass port of Ink, Zurb's responsive email framework (Sass)
- ZURB Ink CSS (non-Sass)
- Webserver with liverelaod
- Jade templates compilation (Jade)
- Sass compilation (Sass)
- CSS concating and inlining
- Install via npm
(sudo) npm install -g generator-gulp-ink-email
- Create folder for your project and run inside:
yo gulp-ink-email
- Complete installation
- ?
- Profit
Gulpfile contains some useful tasks:
gulp serve
for development with livereloadgulp build
for building from source todist
foldergulp serve:dist
for build preview
Media queries should be revisited, because all of them are inlined into head.
- Adam Močkoř ([email protected])