Starred repositories
The official repo of Pai-Megatron-Patch for LLM & VLM large scale training developed by Alibaba Cloud.
EasyTransfer is designed to make the development of transfer learning in NLP applications easier.
超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn、mnn、tnn推理 ( dbnet(1.8M) + crnn(2.5M) + anglenet(378KB)) 总模型仅4.7M
中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
PySlowFast: video understanding codebase from FAIR for reproducing state-of-the-art video models.
An Industrial Graph Neural Network Framework
终于开源!XMall商城微信小程序前端 共计20多个页面 页面联动 精美细节 含SKU设计
基于Spring Boot 2.x的一站式前后端分离快速开发平台XBoot 微信小程序+Uniapp 前端:Vue+iView Admin 后端:Spring Boot 2.x/Spring Security/JWT/JPA+Mybatis-Plus/Redis/Elasticsearch/Activiti 分布式限流/同步锁/验证码/SnowFlake雪花算法ID 动态权限 数据权限 工作…
DanceNet -💃💃Dance generator using Autoencoder, LSTM and Mixture Density Network. (Keras)
小程序, 公司Taro前期跑坑, 暂使用500px中国数据源做占位, 对接接口后将不再更新
Documents, papers and codes related to Natural Language Processing, including Topic Model, Word Embedding, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classificatin, Text Generation, Text Similarity, Machine Tr…
1.cms 网站 ,完整开源建站平台。cms网站,拥有微信公众号模块,可以加入微信公众号使用。用于咨询网站、企业网网站,个人小网站等等。可以自己开发模板放在template目录文件夹下。也适合二次开发,完整的权限系统。2.使用技术spring4 +freemarker+ shrio + ehcache + mybatis + MYSQL + H-ui.admin + Amaze UI,可以在…
[Deep Learning] Object Detection (深度学习:目标检测与识别—复杂环境下的Logo识别. RCNN系列、TensorFlow)
Sohu's 2018 content recognition competition 1st solution(搜狐内容识别大赛第一名解决方案)
tensorflow implementation
Gathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 < Tensorflow < 2.0
ICCV2019 - Learning to Paint With Model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning