- This project is inspired by Pro.Kevin Smith and has been submitted as personal coursework project for the CS134 at San Jose State University. While this project isn't implemented by any Gaming Engine, the game is fully powered by OpenFrameWork, which is a open source C++ toolkit. That is to say, you need to install OpenFrameWork in your computer to run this project. Please check the instructions below regarding to the detail about how to run the project.
Please visit following link to download OpenFrameWork: https://openframeworks.cc/download/
Please unzip the file you just download.
After you unzip the file, you should see a folder that contain OpenFrameWork (e.g, of_v0.9.8_osx_release) (Note: the different verison of OpenFrameWork that you download may result the different folder's name.)
Open the folder. Then you may see there is a subfolder, called [projectGenerator]. Please open that folder.
Please dobule click the application, named [projectGenerator].
Please click Drop-down box for the addons and select ofxGui. Then,generate a new Project.
Go back to the privous folder and open the folder, named [apps].
Then you may find the folder that you just gernate. please open that folder.
Copy and paste both src and bin folders that post in this GitHub page to the folder you just open. The system will ask if you want to replace folder that already exisited. please select [yes].
Open [src] folder and selected all the c++ source files, beside follwoing three files: ofApp.cpp, ofApp.h and main.cpp.
Drag the all the source files that you just selected to your IDE under folder [src].
Finally you can run the project.
- You may use the mouse to move fighter aircraft to anywhere within the screen.
- You may press spacebar to launch missile.
- You may press [z] and [x] key on keyboard to activate the two special skills.
- All the background music and image files contain in this project are collected from open source websites.
- Some of image,which collected from open source websites, has been modified by Photoshop.
- Start code,including ParticleEmitter,ParticleForce,ParticleSystem,TransformObject and Particle is provided by Pro.Kevin Smith. However most of the start code has been modified to fulfill my personal project demand.(e.g, support various moving path for enemy)
- Hing Li
- Pro.Kevin Smith