Generic HDL components to be used in different projects
Binary coded decimal to binary and vice versa converter.
Start conversion by asserting conv
for 1 tick
Debounce signals from mechanical input devices (buttons, encoders, switches, etc)
Processes input from quadrature encoders. Generates clockwise and counterclockwise signals
Single- and dual clock FIFOs. Two versions for each with or without interface
I2C master with read and write functions
Iterative integer divider
Allows multiple RAM access without collision. Buffers requests for write and read and replies with read result
Quadrature LUT-based NCO
Convert a vector with multiple bits set to a vector with only one bit set (MSB or LSB)
Single- and dual port RAM
Recursive summation module
Shift-add multiplier
Stretches a pulse by specified amount. Delay is constant in respect to pulse centers