Based on these existing repos:
To install the chart with the release name my-kafka in the default namespace:
helm repo add incubator
helm install --name my-kafka incubator/kafka
Or with values:
helm install --name my-kafka -f values.yml incubator/kafka
You can connect to Kafka by running a simple pod in the K8s cluster with a configuration like the one in kafka-pod.yml
kubectl create -f kafka-pod.yml
To create a new topic:
kubectl -n default exec testclient -- ./bin/ --zookeeper my-kafka-zookeeper:2181 --topic test1 --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
List all kafka topics with:
kubectl -n default exec testclient -- ./bin/ --zookeeper my-kafka-zookeeper:2181 --list
To listen for messages on a topic:
kubectl -n default exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --bootstrap-server my-kafka:9092 --topic test1 --from-beginning
To start an interactive message producer session:
kubectl -n default exec -ti testclient -- ./bin/ --broker-list my-kafka-headless:9092 --topic test1
To create a message in the above session, simply type the message and press enter
** Check the Yolean/kubernetes-kafka for most up to date manifest and docs **
Clone repo:
cd kubernetes-kafka
For the storage, this is based on your choice of provider. Yolean provides the following manifests to choose from:
- Docker
- MiniKube
kubectl apply -f ./configure/PROVIDER-storageclass-broker ... .yml
kubectl apply -f ./configure/PROVIDER-storageclass-zookeeper ... .yml
kubectl create -f 00-namespace.yml
kubectl apply -f ./rbac-namespace-default
kubectl apply -f ./zookeeper
kubectl apply -f ./kafka
kubectl apply -f ./yahoo-kafka-manager
kubectl proxy &
Kafka Manager: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kafka/services/kafka-manager:80/
You have to configure a new cluster and connect zookeeper:
Cluster -> Add Cluster -> Cluster Zookeeper Hosts = zookeeper.kafka:2181 -> Version
Learn more here:
The host/broker will be the bootstrap service's Cluster IP (or 'service-name.namespace') and the port number; based on the previous setup steps, it will most likely look this: bootstrap.kafka:9092
If you want to remove all the resources created:
kubectl delete ns kafka