Lili Solutions
- Canada
A visual representation of Data an information lifecycles
Repo for student website
Helping you manage your data science projects sanely.
Repository to host tool-specific module files for the Nextflow DSL2 community!
RNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, RSEM, HISAT2 or Salmon with gene/isoform counts and extensive quality control.
In this workshop, we went through the basic steps of FIELDimageR and FIELDimageR.Extra pipeline showing how to evaluate and apply remote sensing data and lab and field images from plant breeding ex…
All resources provided during the 2022 Mentoring Sessions can be found here.
An intelligent block matrix library for numpy, PyTorch, and beyond.
SplineDist: Automated Cell Segmentation with Spline Curves
Algorithmic Impact Assessment - Évaluation de l'incidence algorithmique (TS/JS)
MetaWorks is a flexible multi-marker metabarcode pipeline for processing paired-end Illumina reads from raw fastq.gz files to taxonomic assignments.
online notebooks for a review of genome sketching
Provide a base definition for each BrAPI-specific term and open definition discussion/validation with the BrAPI community
Code Implementation for EmbedSeg, an Instance Segmentation Method for Microscopy Images
FIELDimageR: A R package to analyze orthomosaic images from agricultural field trials. This package is a compilation of functions to analyze pos-mosaicking images from research fields, and allows t…
One Health Summer Institute's Introduction to Bioinformatics workshop. Session on Bioinformatics for AMR Research.
A resource for scientists and the general public on bee-associated microbes/viruses and their impact on bee health
GFF and GVF specification documents
CDCgov / MicrobeTrace
Forked from AABoyles/MicrobeTraceThe Visualization Multitool for Molecular Epidemiology and Bioinformatics
A curated list of awesome Bioinformatics libraries and software.
Extension of the base Drupal bootstrap theme for DivSeek-Canada
Material from the Bioinformatics Research Support Network (BRSN) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) that are permitted for free and public access.