일단 제가 작업하면서 주로 참고했던 내용은 이 thread에 대부분 포함되어 있습니다. pennersr#2424 제가 알기로는 애플에서 client id는 bundle id와 service id 두 종류가 있는데, 앱을 통해 발급받은 token은 service id로만 인증이 가능해서 현재 이 값을 사용하도록 settings에 정의되어 있습니다. 웹을 통해 발급받은 token은 bundle id를 통해 인증해야 하는데, 현재 django-allauth 에서는 이 두개의 client id를 동시에 사용할 수 있도록 되어 있지 않은 상태인걸로 보입니다.. pennersr#2718 여기에 비슷한 문제를 겪고 있는 issue가 있습니다.
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
- Home page
- http://www.intenct.nl/projects/django-allauth/
- Source code
- http://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth
- Mailing list
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-allauth
- Documentation
- https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Stack Overflow
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/django-allauth
Most existing Django apps that address the problem of social authentication focus on just that. You typically need to integrate another app in order to support authentication via a local account.
This approach separates the worlds of local and social authentication. However, there are common scenarios to be dealt with in both worlds. For example, an e-mail address passed along by an OpenID provider is not guaranteed to be verified. So, before hooking an OpenID account up to a local account the e-mail address must be verified. So, e-mail verification needs to be present in both worlds.
Integrating both worlds is quite a tedious process. It is definitely
not a matter of simply adding one social authentication app, and one
local account registration app to your INSTALLED_APPS
This is the reason this project got started -- to offer a fully integrated authentication app that allows for both local and social authentication, with flows that just work.
This project is sponsored by IntenCT. If you require assistance on your project(s), please contact us: [email protected].
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