A custom command-line tool that can be freely extended as needed.
This tool is only available for the Windows platform, if you want to use it on Linux, go to CmdUtils.
Enter on the command:
git clone https://github.com/limitless-0day/omnTools.git
Go to the project directory and compile:
cd omnTools
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
If you're new to CMake or you want to avoid using commands, you can run build.bat
cd omnTools
You can add the resulting executable to your computer's environment variables, which can then be easily used on the command line. Note: For ease of use, it is recommended that you change the name of the generated executable file to omn.exe.
Here are some basic usages, but if you'd like to learn more, head over: omnTools.
omn i mingw #Install mingw.
omn tip git #Print a collection of commonly used git commands.