This docker image is an open source serve proxy wep application server (WAS) for HTTPS using clouldflare full SSL
This help to use Cloudflare full SSL with Nginx and proxy to port of web application server in Production environment
It is licensed under MIT license and it made by limtaegeun. and contributors
- server domain managed by cloudflare DNS
- web application server like Node.js express server run by docker image
See here
And save or copy .pem and .key files in your server
Assume .pem and .key file name is cert.pem and cert.key
run WAS using port 3000
$ docker run -d -v /some/certs:/etc/nginx/certs --name nginx-ssl --network host -e imori333/nginx-cloudflare-ssl-proxy
$ docker network create nginx-net
Assume WAS use port 3000
$ docker run -d -v config:/usr/src/app/config --name nodejs --network nginx-net your-was
$ docker run -d -v /some/certs:/etc/nginx/certs --name nginx-ssl -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --network nginx-net -e PROXY_PASS=nodejs:3000 -e imori333/nginx-cloudflare-ssl-proxy
- PROXY_PASS : your proxy pass url - default : localhost:3000
- SERVER_NAME : your domain name - default :
- PEM_PATH : .pem file path - default : /etc/nginx/certs/cert.pem
- KEY_PATH : private key file path - default : /etc/nginx/certs/cert.key
when your certificate and private key name and path is different
$ docker run -d -v /some/certs:/etc/nginx/other --name nginx-ssl \
-p 443:443 -p 80:80 --network nginx-net -e\
-e PEM_PATH=/etc/nginx/other/mycert.pem \
-e KEY_PATH=/etc/nginx/other/mycert.key \
Copyright (c) 2020-present, limtaegeun.